The New Russian Nationalism Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
the new russian nationalism

Chechnya, 511 in Chuvashia, 717 in Dagestan, 502 in Ingushetia,
529 in Kabardino- Balkaria, 505 in Karachaevo- Cherkessia, 504 in
Mari El, 513 in North Ossetia, 830 in Tatarstan and 306 in Tyva.

  1. See the Levada Centre’s ‘Indeksy’ (Indices], available at <www.> (last accessed 17 July 2014).

  2. Based on the Google Trends frequency index, scaled to the top
    value = 100 at the highest peak in the chart. Source: <http://www.
    D0%B0%D1%80%D1%8B&geo=RU- TA%2C%20RU- MOW%
    2C%20RU- SPE&date=1%2F2013%2018m&cmpt=geo> (last acc-
    es sed 23 March 2014).

  3. Based on examination of published reports of all surveys on agency
    websites matching the keywords or tags ‘Ukraine’ and ‘Crimea’ as
    well as regular (weekly, biweekly or monthly) monitoring surveys.

  4. Gallup, official website, available at <
    poll/116677/presidential- approval- ratings- gallup- historical- statis
    tics- trends.aspx> (last accessed 10 August 2014).

  5. Excluding Chechnya and Ingushetia in the North Caucasus and six
    regions in the Russian Far North, where marginally small popula-
    tions and remoteness made access infeasible.

  6. The non- response rate was about 81 per cent. Principal reasons
    for non- response were inability to access the residence (6 per cent),
    no residents at home after three visits (30 per cent), the randomly
    selected household member was not at home (26 per cent), refusal
    to participate in the interview after opening the door (27 per cent)
    and refusal to complete the interview (9 per cent). When the first
    randomly selected respondent could not be reached, the same multi-
    stage random sampling procedure was used to find an alternative
    respondent. Interviewers re- did about 4 per cent of the interviews
    after post- survey peer quality control by phone or the examination
    of questionnaires. Additionally, about 5 per cent of the interviews
    were re- done after quality control by regional supervisors.

  7. Of these, eight respondents (4.4 per cent) gave their second identifi-
    cation and two respondents (1.1 per cent) their third identification
    as ethnic Russian. Given the small size of the ethnic minority sub-
    sample, these respondents were retained.

  8. A methodological appendix with these tests results is available on

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