The New Russian Nationalism Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

national democratic nationalist
stance on, 56–7, 70
national unity and, 82–3
popular support for, 162
and Putin’s approval rating, 6, 72,
162, 198–9, 199 , 244–5, 247–8,
Putin’s Crimea speech (2014), 18,
160, 206, 259–60, 331–2
and Putin’s references to
nationalism, 6, 17, 18, 44, 160,
206, 222
radical nationalist divisions and,
82, 97–8
and Russian domestic economy,
215–16, 218, 357–9
Russian dynamic state identity and,
as step towards Slavic Union, 188
as step towards USSR 2.0, 188–9
and theories of nationalism,
Western sanctions and, 357–9
see also Ukraine
Crimean Tatars, 163, 164 , 179, 189,
313, 319, 331–2
culturalists (vozrozhdentsy), 26,

Day of Russian Wrath, 94
Decembrist revolutionaries, 48, 51–2,
61, 72
Declaration of the Rights of Man and
of the Citizen, 48
declensions, political
concept of, 277
language of patriotism, 290–1
morality, 291–2, 294
national culture, 292
Deliagin, Mikhail, 356, 359
Demushkin, Dmitrii, 83, 263
Deutsch, Karl, 21
diaspora communities
as force for irredentism, 63–4
in the ‘near abroad’, 30, 32, 37
of the Orthodox Church, 111
Diomid (Dziuban), Bishop of Anadyr
and Chukotka, 117, 120
diversionary theories of war, 217

Domodedovo International Airport,
302, 327–8, 329
Donbas militias, 71
Donbas separatists, 73
Dubin, Boris, 40
Dufy, Caroline, 353
Dugin, Aleksandr, 30, 68n, 68–9, 280,
Dunlop, John, 20, 26, 28
Dushenov, Konstantin, 108, 113, 114,
118, 120, 129
Dzhemilev, Mustafa, 332

alternative to Western capitalist
model, 342–3
debate over globalisation, 339–40
downturn in and declining migrant
worker numbers, 16–17
economic strength and stability,
NEORUSS survey, 214–16, 218
energy sector, 348–9
ethnonationalist stance on, 353–7
market reforms/modernisation of,
340–1, 345–6, 347–50
model of state capitalism, 343–5
nationalism and, 16, 337, 345–6
neoliberal state and, 339
post-annexation of Crimea,
215–16, 218, 357–9
privatisation campaigns (1990s),
Putin’s strategies for, 336–8,
sanctions, post-annexation of
Crimea, 357–9
Strategy 2020 reform programme,
2008 financial crisis, impacts of,
237, 350–1
Ekishev, Iurii, 108, 116–17
Eltsin, Boris
lame duck syndrome and, 230–1
power struggle with Gorbachev,
red-brown opposition to, 29
selection of Putin as successor,
use of term rossiiane, 3–4, 160, 252
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