The New Russian Nationalism Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
the new russian nationalism

Eltsin administration
economic modernisation strategies,
341–2, 346
ethnic self-identification, 270
nation-building project, 27, 31–3,
251, 283
non-ethnic rossiiskii model, 6, 18
relationship with Europe, 280
rossiiane, concept, 3, 160, 252
state-focused nationalism, 20, 251
empire, branding, 69
empire-saving nationalism, 22–3,
27–8, 35–6
see also supremacist nationalism
energy sector, 348–9
ethnic criminality, 84, 86, 94, 95, 133,
ethnic irredentism, 37
ethnic minorities
criticism of new nationalities policy,
demographics, 161, 269–70
group threat approach and support
for ethnic majority nationalism,
163–6, 182
as marriage partners, 207–10, 208 ,
minority coalitions, 166–7
within multi-ethnic Russian state,
political non-participation,
preferences for Russia’s state
identity, 184–5, 184
pride in Russian citizenship, 178,
prospective group status in Russian
state identity scenarios, 184–6,
reduced exclusionist sentiments and
territorial expansion, 187
responsiveness to Putin’s message
on ethnic diversity, 180–1, 181
social identity approach and
Russian expansion, 167–8, 182
social identity in relation to state
identity, 182–4
support for Putin, 179–80, 187
support for Russian expansionism,

166–7, 169–70, 174–8, 177 ,
181–2, 186, 189
see also migrants; migrants,
perceptions of; NEORUSS
ethnic nationalism
anti-migrant stance, 240
ethnically homogenous state of
Russian people, 107, 229
evolution of, 105–7
indicators of, NEORUSS surveys,
political demarcation from patriots,
post-annexation of Crimea, 201–2
religious demarcation, 107
see also Orthodox nationalism;
paganism; secularism
ethnic Russians
and annexation of Crimea, 18, 160,
206, 259
as core of Russian state (state-
forming), 13, 34, 38–9, 161, 167,
255, 256–7, 262, 265
demographic dominance of, 4–5, 35
essentialist opposition with the
West, 50–1
nationalism, post-revolution, 24–5
nationalism and the Russian
Federation, 26–7, 35, 42–3
in the ‘near abroad’, 30, 32, 37,
NEORUSS survey, 170–4
political domination of (historical),
population identifying as, 269
preferences for Russia’s state
identity, 184–5, 184
pride in Russian citizenship, 178,
privileged social position, public
support for, 202–3
prospective group status in Russian
state identity scenarios, 184–6,
and Putin’s nation-building project,
responsiveness to Putin’s message
on ethnic diversity, 180–1, 181
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