The New Russian Nationalism Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
the new russian nationalism


  1. Backing the USSR 2.0: Russia’s ethnic minorities and
    expansionist ethnic Russian nationalism 160
    Mikhail A. Alexseev

  2. Rallying ’round the leader more than the flag:
    Changes in Russian nationalist public opinion
    2013–14 192
    Mikhail A. Alexseev and Henry E. Hale

  3. How nationalism and machine politics mix in Russia 221
    Henry E. Hale

  4. Blurring the boundary between civic and ethnic: The
    Kremlin’s new approach to national identity under
    Putin’s third term 249
    Helge Blakkisrud

  5. Russia as an anti- liberal European civilisation 275
    Marlene Laruelle

  6. Ethnicity and nationhood on Russian state- aligned
    television: Contextualising geopolitical crisis 298
    Stephen Hutchings and Vera Tolz

  7. The place of economics in Russian national identity
    debates 336
    Peter Rutland

Bibliography 362
Index 407

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