( 180 ) Black Rights/White Wrongs
I hope I have shown why Shelby’s strategy is problematic in a way that
does not at all reflect on his own exposition of the position but rather makes
clear the inherent problems in the approach itself. Nonetheless, critics may
still reply that even if I have raised questions about Shelby’s particular ver-
sion, other variants are possible.^85 The key point for me, however, is the
difference between distributive and rectificatory justice, and the shaping
of Rawls’s work and virtually the entire secondary literature by the impera-
tives of the former. That more than forty years after the publication of A
Theory of Justice there has not been more debate on the flagrant absence of
racial justice as a theme in this literature, and the questions this absence
raises about its possible intrinsic “whiteness,” is a sad manifestation both of
the continuing demographic and conceptual whiteness of philosophy and
its resistance to seeing itself as such.