68 Classical Compatibilism and Incompatibilism
Suggestions for Further Reading
Those interested in the historical figures from the modern era should see the
texts we cited above by Hume, Hobbes, Locke, Reid, Kant, and others. As for
the literature from the earlier half of twentieth- century analytic philosophy, the
following papers are regarded as true classics:
Ayer, A.J. 1954. “Freedom and Necessity.” In Philosophical Essays. New York: St. Mar-
tin’s Press: 3–20.
Campbell, C.A. 1951. “Is Free Will a Pseudo-Problem?” Mind 60: 446–65.
Chisholm, Roderick. 1964. “Human Freedom and the Self.” The Lindley Lectures. Copy-
right by the Department of Philosophy, University of Kansas. Reprinted in Watson,
Gary, ed., 1982. Free Will. New York: Oxford University Press.
Edwards, Paul. 1958. “Hard and Soft Determinism.” In Hook, Sidney, ed., Determinism
and Freedom in the Age of Modern Science. London: Collier Books: 117–25.
Hobart, R.E. 1934. “Free Will as Involving Indeterminism and Inconceivable Without It.”
Mind 43: 1–27.
Schlick, Moritz. 1939. “When is a Man Responsible?” In Schlick, M., Problems of Ethics.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice- Hall: 143–56.
Smart, J.J.C. 1963. “Free Will, Praise, and Blame.” Mind 70: 291–306.
There are also several collections that offer excellent and extensive essays on the
free will debate from the classical period. These include:
Berofsky, Bernard, ed., 1966. Free Will and Determinism. New York: Harper & Row.
Honderich, Ted, ed., 1973. Essays on Freedom and Action. London: Routledge and
Kegan Paul.
Hook, Sidney, ed., 1958. Determinism and Freedom in the Age of Modern Science.
London: Collier Books.
Lehrer, Keith, ed., 1966. Freedom and Determinism. New York: Random House.
A number of philosophers have offered thoughtful book- length treatments of
historical figures in relation to the contemporary free will debate. For instance,
on Descartes, see:
Ragland, C.P. 2016. The Will to Reason Theodicy and Freedom in Descartes. New York:
Oxford University Press.
On Hume, see:
Russell, Paul. 1995. Freedom and Moral Sentiment. New York: Oxford University Press.
On Locke, see:
Yaffe, Gideon. 2000. Liberty Worth the Name: Locke on Free Agency. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.