Yeatman, A. (1994) Postmodern Revisionings of the PoliticalLondon: Routledge.
Yuval-Davis, N. (1997) ‘Women, Citizenship and Difference’Feminist Review57, 4–27.
Further reading
Faulks’s book on Citizenship(2000) is a very useful overview. Lister (1997) surveys the
feminist and citizenship literature with commendable thoroughness. Linklater’s Cosmopolitan
Citizenship(1999) is a collection of essays that is worth reading for those concerned about
the idea of a global citizen. A very interesting critique of the Crick Report on Citizenship
Education and much else besides can be found in A. Osler and H. Starkey (2001) ‘Citizenship
Education and National Identities in France and England: Inclusive or Exclusive?’ Oxford
Review of Education27(2), 288–305. Turner’s Citizenship and Capitalism(1986) provides
a very useful view of the strengths and weaknesses of the Marxist analysis of citizenship.
Heater’s work on citizenship (1999) is very comprehensive.
See Companion Website for further resources.
140 Part 1 Classical ideas