Introduction to Political Theory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  • Is the concept of fundamentalism coherent?
    Consider whether the term applies to all
    religions, or to one religion in particular. Is it
    fair to consider Islam inherently funda-
    mentalist in character, or can all religions
    express themselves in fundamentalist form?

  • It is often noted that in Enver Hoxha’s
    (communist) Albania, religion was actually
    banned while portraits of the ‘leader’ peered
    out from every tree! Can someone committed
    to atheism, like a Marxist or a secularist, also
    be fundamentalist in character?

    • Fundamentalists claim that they are seeking
      to restore the purity of their particular creed.
      Yet fundamentalism seems to be a reaction to
      change and modernity. Just what is the
      relationship between fundamentalism and
      contemporary life?

    • We are continually being told that the world
      is becoming a global village. Does globalisa-
      tion have something to do with the rise of

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