Democracy and Disobedience
(Singer) 426–9
democratic conception 82–3
democratic socialism 223
democratic states 9
Derrida, J. 471
Descent of Man, The(Darwin)
desert 78
determinism 233
deterrence 147, 155
Devlin, P. 49
difference 353, 465–80;
colonialism 478; defining 468;
democracy and state 476–8;
feminist theory 473–5;
inequality 328; liberalism
475–6; politically relevant 109;
m 470–3; problem of dominant
identity 469–70; summary 479
difference principle 82, 83–4
Diggers 178
direct action 250
dissent 4
distributive justice 78; Marxism
diversity 42, 231; feminism 331
Dobson, A. 376–7
doctor-patient relationship 9
domestic labour debate: feminism
Donnelly, J.: Universal Human
Rights in Theory and Practice
Downing Street Years, The
(Thatcher) 124
Du Bois, W.E.B. 436
dual citizenship 129
Dunleavy, P.: and O’Leary, B. 15
Dunn, J. 11, 101, 113
Dworkin, A. 325
Dworkin, R. 7–31, 68, 72
Easton, D. 14; concept of political
system 17–18; The Political
System17–18, 20, 33; problem
with argument 20–1
eco-fascists 361
ecologism 305, 356–77;
compatible with human
equality 374–5; compatible
with value pluralism 375;
critique 370–5; economic well-
being 307–8; or
environmentalism 358–9;
hostility to individualism
372–3; hostility to reason and
rationality 373–4; new social
movement 305–10; questions
376; respecting created world -
culture 370–1; summary 376;
value of nature 370
ecology: deep 364–7
economic change: and social
change 306–38
economic liberalisation 30
economic migration 308
economic miracle: West Germany
economics: fascism 286
ecotopia 251
egalitarianism 58
Ego and His Own, The(Stirner)
egoism 144–5
Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood 388,
Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis
Bonaparte, The(Marx) 294
elitism 124
Ellis, A. 48
Elshtain, J. 5
empathy 8
empiricist feminism 328–9
empowerment 5
End of History, The(Fukuyama)
end-state theory 87–8
energy 375–6
Engels, F.: anarchists 222;
feminism 318; The Origin of
the Family, Private Property
and the State318, see also
Communist Manifesto
Enlightenment 59; liberalism and
fascism 296–7; rights of man
Enquiry Concerning Political
Justice(Godwin) 240–1
enterprise association 186
entitlement theory 85
entitlements 8
environment: crisis 359–61; state
environmentalism 356; anarchism
361; conservatism 361; or
ecologism 358–9; fascism 361;
feminism 362; liberalism 361;
multiculturalism 362; and
other ideologies 361–2;
socialism 361
envy test 72
equal access 66–7
equal civil liberties 61
equal liberty 82
Equal Opportunities Commission
(EOC) 474
equal opportunity 82
equality 78, 353, 487; access 57,
66–7; affirmative action 55, 58,
70–1; before law 61; classical
ideas 54–75; conflict with
freedom 2; conflicting with
freedom 63–6; fascism 296;
formal 56; further reading 74;
legal 57, 61–2; liberty 57,
62–6, 93; linked to justice 2–3;
material 57, 66–73; moral
56–7, 58–61; natural 171;
opportunity 57–8, 67–8;
outcome 58, 69–70; principles
56–8; questions 74; resentment
71; socialism 215; weblinks 75;
welfare versus resources 71–3
Equality First 316
Equality and Partiality(Nagel)
ETA (Basque movement) 455
ethical trading 135
ethical universalism 271
ethnic cleansing: Yugoslavia 281
ethnic identity 468
ethnic nationalism 267–8; hard
271–5; soft 268–71
ethnic nepotism 273
ethnicity 268, 338
ethnocentrism 418
eugenics 276
Eurocommunists 215
Eurofascism 300
European Convention on Human
Rights (ECHR 1950) 336,
407–8; death penalty 142, 152;
importance 408–9, see also
human rights
European Court of Justice (ECJ)
European Greens 360
European Monetary Union (EMU)
European Ombudsman 132
514 Index