Introduction to Political Theory

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

European Social Movement 300
European Union (EU) 30;
citizenship 131–2; market and
democracy 31
evangelical Christians 391
evangelists 390
Evolutionary Socialism(Bernstein)
224, 225
exchange value 90
exclusion: democracy 103–4;
international 104
Experiences and its Modes
(Oakeshott) 201
experiments in living (Mill) 41
exploitation 90
expression: and harm 46–7

Fabians 225; Labour Party
(British) 226
facts: values 168–9
fair access: special privileges 55
fair compromise 427–8
fairness: justice 416; tax 77
Falange 297
family 93
famine: ethical and political
implications 485–6; Sen 483–5;
Singer 483; whose
responsibility 482
Farewell to Arms, A(Hemingway)
283, 285
Farinacci, R. 285
fascism 280–304; capitalism
294–5; communism 282–3;
compared with Nazism 293–4;
conservatism 284; critical
fascists 300; defining 282–4;
environmentalism 361; equality
296; European Social
Movement 300; Holocaust
deniers 300; human character
295; individualism 296;
liberalism 284; liberalism and
Enlightenment 296–7;
nationalism 296–7; nationalist
salvation 301; nature 296;
questions 303; rationality 297;
religion 283; Stalinism and
state 297–9; summary 301–3;
today 298–301; unrepentant
apologists 299
fascism in Germany 288–91;
anti-capitalism 289–91; anti-
Semitism 290; brief history

289; statism, women and
colonialism 291–3; trade
unions 290; women 292
fascism in Italy 284–8;
corporativism, violence and
state 286–7; intellectual roots
287–8; nationalism and war
285–6; racism 287; trade
unions 286
Faulks, K. 107, 124–6
Fay, M. 412
Federalist Papers 102
Federzoni, L. 285
Feinberg, J. 48
female boxing 51
female circumcision 349
Female Eunuch, The(Greer)
Feminine Mystique, The
(Friedan) 316
feminism 311–34; Bebel 319;
black 326–7; black - problems
with 327–8; black critique of
liberal 317; black critique of
radical 325; black feminist
critique of socialist 321;
capitalism 321; changing roles
312–13; critiques of black
327–8; diversity 331; domestic
labour debate 320; economic
well-being 307–8; empiricist
328–9; empiricists critique of
liberal 317; Engels’s
contribution 318;
environmentalism 362; further
reading 334; Kollontai 319;
liberal 314–16; liberal critique
of philosophical 330; liberal
critique of radical 323–4;
liberal critique of socialist
320–1; multiculturalism
349–52; new social movement
305–10; philosophical 328–30;
philosophical - problems with
330–2; philosophical critique
of radical 325–6; philosophical
critique of socialist 321;
postmodern 329–30;
postmodern critique of liberal
317; problems with liberal
form 316–18; questions 333;
radical 321–3; radical critique
of liberal 316–17; radical
critique of socialist 321;

radical- problems with 323–6;
socialist 318–20; socialist -
problems with 320–1; socialist
critique of liberal 317; socialist
critique of radical 324;
socialist, radical and black
critique of philosophical
330–1; standpoint 329–30;
standpoint critique of liberal
317; summary 332; third wave
474; Zetkin 319, see also
feminist theory: difference 473–5
Ferguson, A. 321
Fernandes, H. 313
feudal society 13
Finnis, J.: Natural Law and
Natural Rights50, 416–18
Fire with Fire(Friedan and Wolf)
First Amendment to Constitution
(USA) 36
Fish, S. 36
force: and constraint 22–3; self-
rule 110; state 21; Weber 23
formal equality 56
Forsyth, M. 24
Foucault, M. 19
Fourier, C. 217, 318
France: burqa ban 336, 389
Franco, F. 246
free market 29; anarchism 241–3
free speech 36
free will 233
free-floating good 50
free-riders 425
freedom 78, 124; action 41–2;
belief 402; Berlin’s two
concepts 36–8; boxing and
sadomasochism 50–1; classical
ideas 34–53; conflicting with
equality 63–6; consent 43–4;
criticisms and developments
42–50; expression and harm
46–7; further reading 53; harm
to others 43; harm to self
44–6; harmless wrongdoing
49–50; Kant 37; liberalism
171; liberty-limiting principles
42–50; MacCallum 37–8;
Mill 39–42; negative definition
2; offensiveness 47–9; positive
definition 2; presumption in
favour 36; questions 52;

Index 515
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