socialism 215; thought and
expression 40–1; unfreedom
versus inability 38–9; weblinks
Freedom Party (Austria) 281
freedom rides: Civil Rights
Movement 438
French, M.: The Women’s Room
French Revolution (1789) 229;
Nazism 296
Friedan, B. 320; The Feminine
Mystique 316
Fukuyama, F.: The End of History
Fuller, L. 61–2, 414
fundamentalism 305, 378–98;
America and religious right
389–91; clash of civilisations
394–5; criticisms 395;
democracy and violence 385–6;
differentiating religious
versions 391; diversity of
379–80; fundamentals 382–3;
Islamic 387–9; Jewish 392–3;
label or concept 381;
modernity and tradition 383–5;
multiculturalism 362; myths
389; questions 396; religion
381–2; state 393; summary
Fundamentals, The 381
Futurist movement 285, 286
G8-Genoa: death of Giuliani 238
Gaels 267
Gahlet: Zionism 392
Gaia 357
Gandhi, M. 254, 424, 434
Garvey, M. 436
Gay, P. 234
Geertz, C. 338, 345, 346
Gellner, E. 262
gender: equality 7; sex 473
genetic similarity theory 273
genetics 268, 271, 273–4, 339
Geneva Conventions 404
genital mutilation 349
Genoa: death of Giuliani 238
genocide 258
Genocide Convention (1948) 404
Gentile, G. 286
Geoghegan, V. 216–18
George, H. 89
Geras, N. 419
German Green Party 360
German Ideology, The(Marx and
Engels) 164
German Socialists 224–5
Germany: Bad Godesberg
Resolution (1959) 228; fascism
288–91; Nazi regime 18, 61–2;
Weimar Republic 18
Giddens, A. 381, 382, 384;
Beyond Left and Right 166
Gilligan, C.: In a Different Voice
Gilmour, I. 124
Gini index 487
Giuliani, C. 238
global citizenship 129–30
global government: case for 30–1
global justice 481–500
global resources divided 488
global warming 357, 359
globalisation: clash of civilisations
394; state 28–31
Gloster, S. 312
God: consumerism 391; sovereign
24, 29
Godwin, W.: Enquiry Concerning
Political Justice240–1
Goebbels, J. 289, 292
Goldberg, S. 155
Goldman, E. 245, 249
Good Friday Agreement (1998)
Goodman, P. 249
goodness 49
Goodwin, B. 104; Using Political
Ideas4, 240
Gough, S. 48
government: definition (Dahl)
Gramsci, A. 15
Gray, J. 30, 168
Great Leap Forward (China) 7
Greece (ancient): Aristotle 120;
democracy 103; polity and
problem with liberalism
112–13; slavery 112
green movements 249
green politics 360–1
Green, T.H. 13, 14, 21, 104
Greer, G. 323, 469; The Female
Eunuch 322
Griffin, R. 282, 285–7, 289,
Grotius, H. 416
Groundwork of the Metaphysics
of Morals(Kant) 184
Guantanamo Bay 27, 445
guaranteed income 125–6
Guibernau, M. 262
guilt 60
Gush Emunim 392, 393
Haag, E. van den 155
Habermas, J. 414–16, 469
Hague: International Criminal
Court (ICC) 403
Hamas 458
Hamill, J. 461
Hamlin, A.: and Petit, P. 14
happiness 39
hard ethnic nationalism 271–5
Hardin, G. 274, 358–9; lifeboat
ethics 367–9, 482, 496
Hare, R. 495
harm: principle 39–40; to others
43; to self 44–6
harmless wrongdoing 49–50
Hart, H. 149
Hartsock, N. 321, 329, 475;
Money, Sex and Power 3
Hashemi, S. 312
hatred: incitement to 41
Hayek, F. 12, 68, 123–4, 501;
Road to Serfdom 203
Heater, D. 129, 130, 132–3
Hegel, F.: Owl of Minerva
Hegel, G. 13, 14, 144, 154
Heinemann, G. 271
Held, D. 110–12, 116, 133
Held, V. 133
Hemingway, E.: A Farewell to
Arms283, 285
Herder, J.G. von 265–6, 275
heroin: legitimising 47
heterosexuality 323
Hewitt, P. 312
Heywood, A. 216
hierarchy: anarchism 252
Hinsley, F.H. 24
Hippel, K. von 456, 457, 464
historical theory 88
Hitler, A. 62, 101, 104, 234, 280;
Mein Kampf290; Mussolini,
B. 285; rise of 289; women
292, 293
Hizbullah 447
516 Index