Let us consider Nozick’s example. If we measure equality by the number of
marriage partners available then there is an unequal distribution: A and A^1 have
the greatest number of options, and Z and Z^1 the fewest options. And if freedom
is understood as choice, then arguably Z and Z^1 have no freedom, because they
have no choice but to marry each other. But, perhaps, the relevant liberty is
determined by the relationship of each person to the state: in relation to the state
Z and Z^1 have as many options as A and A^1. It is the conjoint choices of individuals
that creates an inequality of outcome. Nozick can legitimately maintain that Z and
Z^1 are as free as A and A^1 because his starting point is the concept of a natural
right (to self-ownership); that right will always be held equally regardless of how
individuals exercise the right. Nozick’s example shows rather more dramatically
what we suggested earlier about the differential consequences of voting – each person
has a vote, but the effects of exercising that vote vary.
We turn now to Cohen’s locked room. If, prior to anyone leaving, a voice heard
from outside asked each in turn ‘are you free to leave?’ then we would be forced
to say ‘yes’. If we – plural – were asked whether we were free, the question is more
difficult. Collectively, we are not free to leave: eachis free to leave but weare not
Chapter 3 Equality 65
Nozick: marriage partners
Imagine 26 men and 26 women, one for each letter of the alphabet. Each person wants to
marry, and each of the 26 men has the same preference ordering of the women as the others,
and likewise each of the 26 women has exactly the same preference ordering of the men. So if
we name each person by a letter of the alphabet A, B, C, etc. for the men, and A^1 , B^1 , C^1 , etc.
for the women, each man prefers A^1 to B^1 and B^1 to C^1 and so on, down to the last preference
Z^1. Likewise, each of the women prefers A to B and B to C, etc., down to Z. That means that all
the women want to marry A, and so A has plenty of choice! Likewise, with regard to the men A^1
has a full range of options. B and B^1 have one less option, but still a lot of choice, and so on,
down to Z and Z^1 who have no choice but to marry one another (Nozick, 1974: 263–4).
Question: Are Z and Z^1 denied (a) freedom, and (b) equality?
Cohen: the locked room
There are ten of us in a locked room. There is one exit at which there is a huge and heavily
locked door. At roughly equal distances from each of us there is a single heavy key (each of us
is equally distant from the door). Whoever picks up the key (each is physically able to do so)
and with very considerable effort opens the door can leave. But there is a sensor that will
register when one person has left, and as soon as they leave the door will slam shut and locked
and nobody else will be able to leave – forever(Cohen, 1979: 22).
Question: Are we free to leave?