Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Lesson 8 Workbook 131

5.  Total strokes

Rewrite this list of characters, arranging the characters in terms of their total number of
strokes. Begin your list with the character with the fewest strokes.

是 也 呢 不 她 他 很 你 好 們 我

  1. Radicals

Here are the characters introduced in this lesson. Rewrite each character after its radical.

好 呢 不 他 她 我 你 是 們 也 很

女 口 亻 一 戈 日 彳 乚

  1. Pinyin to characters

Rewrite these sentences and dialogues, writing the underlined words in Chinese characters.

a. Xiè: NH hFo ma?

ZhAng:WI hGn hFo。

b. Xiè: NHmen shì xuésheng ma?

ZhAng:WI shì xuésheng,tA (she) bù shì。TA shì lFoshC。NH ne?

c. Xiè: TA (he) de bH hGn hFo,yG hGn piányi。YC zhC sAn kuài wJ。

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