Lesson 8 Workbook 137
e. 你 gGi 你的 bàba mAma dF diànhuà。(xCngqC 幾)
f. 我們 chC ZhDngguó fàn,zGn 麼 yàng?(míngtiAn)
g. 我 xiFng tCng yCnyuè。(jCntiAn wFnshang)
h. 他的 shBngri 是十 yuè 五 hào。(也)
- Translation challenge I
Translate these sentences to English.
a. 你的 shBngrì 是 xCngqC 幾?
b. 你 jiAo 我們 chàng ZhDngguó gB,zGn 麼 yàng?
c. 你 mèimei jCnnián duD dà?
d. ZAogAo!我 míngtiAn yIu 三個 kFoshì。
e. Xià 個 xCngqCtiAn lFoshC qHng 我們 chC ZhDngguó fàn。
f. ShBngrì kuàile!我 qHng 你 hB píjiJ。
g. XiFo Wáng gGi 他 dF diànhuà,qHng 他這個 xCngqC 五 wFnshang qù tiào wJ。
- Translation challenge II
Translate these sentences to Chinese. Use characters wherever we have learned them.
Think about the order of the phrases as your first step in each translation.
a. How old is your father this year?
b. How about we go to sing karaoke next Sunday evening?
c. My Chinese roommate teaches me Chinese and I teach him English.
d. My roommate’s father and mother invited us to a Chinese dinner next Sunday evening.