Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Lesson 9 Workbook 165

  1. Summer school

Xiao Li (Li Yali) is studying Chinese in Beijing right now. This is his daily schedule. Saturdays
and Sundays are free. Answer the questions in Chinese based on this schedule.

7:00–8:00 breakfast
8:00–8:30 quiz
8:30–11:30 French class
11:30 break
12:00–1:00 lunch
1:00–2:00 meet with the teacher
2:00–4:30 Chinese class
4:30–5:30 sing Chinese songs with classmates
6:00–7:15 eat dinner
7:30–8:00 read
8:00–10:00 practice Chinese characters
11:30 go to sleep

a. 小 LH 可以八 diFn 十分起 chuáng 嗎?(Why or why not?)

b. 小 LH 早 shang 幾 diFn chC 早 fàn,xiàwJ 幾 diFn shàng 中文 kè?

c. 小 LH 幾 diFn hé lFoshC 說話?

d. 小 LH 四 diFn 可以 qù xH zFo 嗎?(Why or why not?)

e. 小 LH 的 lFoshC jiAo 他們 chàng 甚麼 gB?

f. 小 LH 七 diFn bàn zuò 甚麼?

g. 小 LH shàngwJ 十一 diFn bàn 可以 tCng yCnyuè 嗎?(Why or why not?)

h. 小 LH 中 wJ 幾 diFn chC fàn?

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