Lesson 9 Workbook 169
- Translation challenge II
Xiao Zhang meets Xiao Xie in the hallway of the dorm. He asks Xiao Xie why he did not
answer his phone earlier. Rewrite what Xiao Zhang says in English and rewrite what
Xiao Xie says in Chinese.
中文 YCng 文
小張:小謝,你 jCntiAn wFnshang
六 diFn bàn zài zuò 甚麼?
小謝: I was sleeping.
小張:你 zGn 麼六 diFn bàn jiù
shuì jiào le?
小謝: I had a Chinese test this morning. I got
up at 4:00 to review my course work.
(Use jiù.) What’s up?
小張:我 gGi 你 dF diànhuà,xiFng qHng
你 qù chC 中 guó fàn。
小謝: Eating Chinese food, that’s fantastic.
Thank you. Can we go right now?
小張:對不起。Xiànzài 十一 diFn le,
tài wFn le。Xià 個 xCngqC ba。