Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

194 Routledge Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese Level 1

A: 你 jCntiAn 晚 shang yào 不 yào gBn 我們一起去吃飯?六 diFn 怎麼 yàng?
B: 六 diFn 不 xíng,我八 diFn cái xià kè。
(My class is not over until 8:00.)

hái 沒 gAng yHjCng... 了 cái jiù kuài... 了

a. A: 你怎麼 hái 沒吃 zFo 飯?

B: ____

I just got up. Of course I haven’t eaten breakfast yet.

b. A: Yào 不 yào gBn 我們一起去 chàng gB?

B: Xiànzài 嗎?Xiànzài 不 xíng。_____

I’m going to take a test soon. I have to go to the library to read.

c. A: 明 tiAn 的 gDngkè,你 xiG 了嗎?

B: _____

I already wrote (did) it.

d. A: XCn 的中文 shE 你 mFi 了嗎?

B: ZAogAo!__

I forgot to buy the book. I’ll go purchase it right away.

  1. First date

Complete the dialogue by choosing the appropriate word from the following list. Each word
may be used more than once.

hái 有 hái 這yàng 可是 qHng 了

The Situation: Xiao Zhang is on a blind date with a girl, Li Wen. They have just finished

LH 文:謝謝你 ____ 我吃晚飯。我 xiFng huí sùshè ____

小張:Xiànzài 嗎?Tài 早 ____ ba。我 ____ xiFng ____ 你 hB kAfBi 呢。你

hB 不 hB kAfBi?

LH 文:我 hB。____ 我明 tiAn 早 shang 八 diFn ____ 有一個 kFoshì。我 dGi huí

sùshè fùxí。________,我 ________ 沒有 zuò gDngkè ne。

小張:____,明 tiAn xiàwJ,我們去那個 xCn 的 kAfBiguFn,怎麼 yàng?

LH 文:明 tiAn xiàwJ 我有 shì。

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