Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Lesson 11 Workbook 217

  1. Going to the bookstore

Complete the dialogue by choosing the appropriate word from the following list.

lái 去 huí 在 lí

小 Chén: 小 LH,你 ____ 哪兒?

小 LH: 我 xiàn 在 yào ____ shEdiàn。你呢?

小 Chén: 我 yào sùshè 做 gDngkè。你 shEdiàn mFi 甚麼?

小 LH: 我 yào mFi 幾個 xCn bGnzi,還有一 bGn Dé 文 shE。

小 Chén: 我們學 xiào shEdiàn 的 shE 都太 guì 了。Shì 中 xCn 的 shEdiàn piányi。你
____ shì 中 xCn mFi ba。

小 LH: Shì 中 xCn ____ 這兒很 yuFn,我不 xiFng 去。

小 Chén: 小張說,有一個 xCn 的 shEdiàn nánbiAn, 這兒只有一 lH 半 lù。他說

那兒的 shE 都很 piányi。

小 LH: ZhBn 的嗎?那,這樣,明天我 ____ 那個 shEdiàn mFi shE。

小 Chén: 我也可以 。你 xiFng 甚麼 shíhou

小 LH: 一點半怎麼樣?

小 Chén: 好。

  1. Q&A

Re-read the dialogue between Xiao Li and Xiao Chen in Exercise 7 and answer the following
questions in English.

a. Where is Xiao Li going? How about Xiao Chen?

b. Why does Xiao Chen suggest that Xiao Li purchase his items downtown?

c. Why doesn’t Xiao Li want to go downtown?

d. What did Xiao Zhang say about the new bookstore?

e. What time will Xiao Li and Xiao Chen go to the new bookstore?

  1. Writing

張家文’s birthday is coming soon. She wants to invite 謝 Dà 中 to her place for dinner this
Sunday evening. Create a dialogue between 家文 and Dà 中. Write at least four exchanges.
Write more if you wish.

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