Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Lesson 12 Workbook 241

  1. What do you say?

What do you say in each of the following situations?

a. You want to find out how much a subway ticket costs.

b. You want to find out where you wait for bus No. 29.

c. You apologize to your friend that you can’t go to the movies tomorrow.

d. You want to tell your friend to take Line 8 and get off at Park Station.

e. You want to ask if you need to switch trains.

f. You want to ask your friend what he wants to do this Sunday: see a movie or go dancing.

g. You are in front of the library and you want to ask someone how you get to the College

h. You want to tell your friend that you will pick him up at his place tomorrow. Ask if 7:30
works for him.

i. You want to tell your teacher that you studied Chinese for three hours last night.

j. You want to ask how long the trip is from here to the movie theater by bus.

  1. Asking for directions

Part I. Complete the following sentences/paragraphs based on the following map.

a. 大學 ___ 電 yHngyuàn 很 jìn。

b. 小 MF cóng 中 shAn 書 diàn __ 他的 sùshè 可以 __ 一號 chB。

c. 小 MF cóng sùshè dào 圖書館 dGi __ 中 shAn 書 diàn _____ 九號 chB。

d. Cóng 小王家 dào shì 中 xCn 可以 zuò ____

e. Cóng 小王家 _ 大學 dGi ___ dìtiG。 gDngyuán zhàn 上
chB,wFng ____ zIu。 兩 zhàn,在 shì 中 xCn 八號 chB。在

大學 zhàn __ chB。

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