An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


CD 1.24 Listening Guide 7.3 “After the Ball” CHARLES K. HARRIS

date: 1892
performer: George J. Gaskin
genre: popular song
meter: triple
form: verse and chorus


  • triple meter “waltz time”

  • semi-operatic vocal technique

  • limited audio fi delity of early recording

  • truncation of song to fi t on cylinder

timing section text comments

0:00 announcement “‘After the Ball,’ sung by Mr. George J. Gaskin.” Announcement was a
common feature in early
0:04 introduction 8 bars; the piano anticipates
the fi rst 4 bars of the verse,
before closing with a burst of
quicker notes suggesting the
ballroom’s whirling energy.
0:10 verse 1 A little maiden climbed an old man’s knee
Begged for a story—“Do Uncle please.
Why are you single; why live alone?
Have you no babies; have you no home?”
“I had a sweetheart, years, years ago;
Where she is now, pet, you will soon know.
List to the story, I’ll tell it all,
I believed her faithless after the ball.”

64 bars, divided into four
sections of 16 bars each: aa'

The b section begins on a
minor chord, adding a hint
of pathos.

1:05 verse 2 Bright lights were fl ashing in the grand
Softly the music, playing sweet tunes.
There came my sweetheart, my love, my own—
“I wish some water; leave me alone.”
When I returned dear there stood a man,
Kissing my sweetheart as lovers can.
Down fell the glass pet, broken, that’s all,
Just as my heart was after the ball.

Although the sheet music
indicates that the chorus
should follow each verse, the
pianist plays only a 4-bar
interlude before verse 2.

1:56 chorus After the ball is over, after the break of morn—
After the dancers’ leaving; after the stars are gone;
Many a heart is aching, if you could read them all;
Many the hopes that have vanished after the ball.

32 bars, aa'a" b. The
performers modulate to a
new key, not indicated in the
sheet music, intensifying the
contrast between verse and
Long years have passed child, I’ve never wed.
True to my lost love though she is dead.
She tried to tell me, tried to explain;

verse 3 (not recorded)


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