An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
TIMELINE: 1917–1945
1917 The Original Dixieland Jazz Band brings New
Orleans jazz to New York
1920 Mamie Smith records “Crazy Blues”
1920 Radio broadcasting begins
1924 George Gershwin writes Rhapsody in Blue
1925 Beginning of electrical recording
1925 WSM in Nashville begins broadcast of what is
later named the Grand Ole Opry

1925–28 Louis Armstrong records in Chicago with his
Hot Five and Hot Seven
1926 NBC airs Koussevitzky and the Boston Symphony
in the fi rst live network symphony broadcast
1926–27 Jelly Roll Morton records in Chicago with his
Red Hot Peppers
1927 Show Boat opens on Broadway
1927 Ralph Peer “discovers” the Carter Family and
Jimmie Rodgers in Bristol, Tennessee
1928 Thomas A. Dorsey composes the gospel song
“If You See My Savior”

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