An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
CHAPTER 18 | ROCK IN THE 1960s 455

songwriters: Brian Wilson, Tony Asher,
and Mike Love
date: 1966
genre: rock
performers: The Beach Boys (seven
members) and studio musicians; produced
by Brian Wilson
meter: duple
form: AA'BA"

timing section text comments

0:00 introduction Prominent harp fi gure establishes “wrong”
key (A major), so that the arrival of the vocal
in the tonic (F) is jolting.
0:06 A Wouldn’t it be nice if we were

Along with the usual rock instruments are
accordions, buried deep in the mix.
0:23 You know it’s gonna make it that
much better...

The fi rst A section ends inconclusively,
leading smoothly into the second A.
0:33 A' Wouldn’t it be nice if we could wake

Backing voices add a secondary melodic


1:00 refrain

The happy times together we’d be
Oh, wouldn’t it be nice? Refrain line gives strong closure.

1:05 B Maybe if we think and wish and
hope and pray...

Bridge in contrasting key (A major); the
harp intro recurs as accompaniment.

1:28 refrain Oh, wouldn’t it be nice? Return to tonic (F).

1:37 A'' You know it seems the more we talk
about it...

Instead of a return to the opening, a slowing
down, with mandolin tremolos, then a return
to the second portion of the A section.

1:57 refrain Wouldn’t it be nice?

1:59 coda Good night my baby... A repeating phrase on the tonic harmony
leads to a fadeout.


  • rich textures resembling Phil Spector’s Wall
    of Sound

  • unusual expansion of aaba chorus structure

  • distant modulation in bridge, anticipated
    tonally by the introduction

  • tempo changes encourage listening rather
    than dancing

CD 3.20 Listening Guide 18.3 “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” THE BEACH BOYS

Listen & Refl ect

  1. How does the subject matter of “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” resemble the teen-oriented lyrics of
    1950s rock and roll songs, and how does it differ? How does the musical treatment relate
    to the lyrics?

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