An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


date: recorded August 1975
performers: Adam Pratt, leader; twelve
other singers.
genre: Southern Plains powwow song
meter: duple
form: a series of aa' bc bc pushes


  • melody using gapped scale and terraced

  • Southern Plains vocal style: somewhat
    tense, mid-register, unison

  • honor beats at specifi c point in each push

  • role of women’s voices

Listen & Refl ect

  1. Hearing the structure of Plains Indian songs is not easy at fi rst for non-Indians. If you are
    new to powwows and their music, try listening for the leader’s voice signaling the beginning
    of each push. Then listen for the honor beats around the midpoint of each push. If you are
    familiar with this style, how does this song compare with other powwow songs you’ve heard?

  2. After you have familiarized yourself with this War Dance song, see if you can hear a simi-
    lar structure in other powwow songs. Some recordings are listed at the end of this chapter,
    and others can be found online—or better yet, attend a powwow.

timing statement section comments

0:00 push 1 a lead The leader begins on the apex.
0:05 a' second A second voice, then the full ensemble, repeats and extends the
lead phrase.
0:16 bc chorus Two new phrases, continuing downward and ending on the nadir.
0:28 honor beats Three accented drumbeats, separated by weak beats.

0:29 bc second chorus

0:41 push 2 The leader begins before the end of the preceding push, and the
rest of the drum overlaps with his lead. At the second chorus,
women’s ululations (1:09).

1:18 push 3 The pitch is higher and the drumming more emphatic.

1:53 push 4 The pitch remains high while the drumming rises and falls in

2:29 tail bc The chorus is sung one last time, softly, with gentle drumbeats.
Five loud beats mark the end of the song.

note Field recording by Charlotte Heth, Skiatook, Oklahoma.

CD 4.8 Listening Guide 21.1

War Dance song

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