An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




LG 11.3: “Blue Yodel no. 8 (Muleskinner Blues)” by Jim-
mie Rodgers and Vaughn Horton. © 1931, 1950 by Peer
International Corporation. Copyright renewed. Used
by Permission. All Rights Reserved. LG 14.1: “Walking
Blues.” Words and Music by Robert Johnson. Copyright
© (1978), 1990, 1991 MPCA King Of Spades (SESAC) and
Claud L. Johnson (SESAC). Administered by MPCA
Music, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted With Per-
mission of Hal Leonard Corporation. Chapter 17:
7 lines {“Moloch, whose mind is pure machinery...
antennae crown the cities.”} from “Howl” from Col-
lected Poems 1947–1980 by Allen Ginsberg. Copyright
© 1955 by Allen Ginsberg. Reprinted by permission
of HarperCollins Publishers. LG 21.5: “Oy, Si’z Gut”
by Abraham Ellstein and Jacob Jacobs. Copyright
© 1937 (Renewed) by Music Sales Corporation (ASCAP).
International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved.
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catante; page 24: The Granger Collection; page 33: The
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Courtesy of the South Dennis Congregational Church;
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Hay Kain; page 98: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art
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of Abby Aldrich Rockefeller; page 99: Maryland His-
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tion, Center for American Music, University of Pittsburgh
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