An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Patton, Charlie, 333
Paul, Les, 413, 414, 452
Pawnee Indian nation, 515, 516
Payne, John Howard, 60, 221
Payne, Leon, 419–20
Peacock Records, 421
Pearl, Daniel, 553
Pearlman, Martin, 42
Pearl Jam, 537
pedal steel guitar, 418
in country music, 419, 420
Peer, Ralph, 254c, 263, 264, 267, 270,
271, 341
peer-to-peer (p2p) fi le sharing, 546–47
Pelham, Dick, 134
Penniman, “Little Richard.” See Little
Pennsylvania, 18c; see also Bethlehem;
Ephrata; Lake Como;
Nazareth; Philadelphia
German religious communities
in, 38–42
shape-note singing in, 71, 73
Pennsylvania Magazine, 47
pentatonic scale, 72, 90, 351, 352, 491
in “If I Had a Hammer,” 433
“People Will Say We’re in Love”
(Rodgers and Hammerstein),
percussion; see also drums; specifi c
in African American music, 88
in bands, 168
performance art, 498–99
performance settings
for band concerts, 56, 116, 165
churches, 118–19
eighteenth century, 56
integration in, 294
for rhythm and blues, 424
“performers’ music”
“composers’ music” vs., 108–10,
128, 181, 184–85, 197, 389–90
wind bands and, 165
performing-rights organizations, 234
periodicals and newspapers. See
specifi c titles
Perlis, Vivian, 281
Perry, Douglas, 149
Persian Set (Cowell), 286
persona, 136
Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich, 78, 79
Peter, Johann Friedrich, 18c, 41–42
Peter, Paul, and Mary, 432, 437
Petrushka (Stravinsky), 371
Pet Sounds (the Beach Boys), 454
peyote religion, 514, 515
Phair, Liz, 539
phase music, 451
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 47, 512
black congregations in, 92
black professional musicians
in, 95
church music in, 32–33, 39
concerts in, 56, 185

early professional musicians in, 44
modernism in, 281
music publishing in, 107
opera in, 59, 95, 112, 126
theater in, 58, 59 , 60
Philadelphia Orchestra, 282, 307
Philadelphia soul, 478
Phile, Philip, 55
Philip Glass Ensemble, 386c, 490
Philles Records, 452
Phillips, Sam, 427–29
Philomel (Babbitt), 390
Phish, 538
phonographs, 497; see also sound
and home music making, 265
invention of, 162c
blues, 337
in classic blues, 260
concert music for, 123–30, 193–94,
201, 203, 283–84
in dance bands and orchestras,
299, 379
electric, 450
home use of, 146–47, 172
in jazz, 297, 400, 409, 421
manufacturers of, 80, 83, 128, 146
in microtonal music, 491
prepared. See prepared piano
ragtime music for, 239–43
in Rhapsody in Blue, 319
in rhythm and blues, 421
in rock, 453
in western swing, 346–48
Piano Concerto (Beach), 188
Piano Concerto No. 1 (Liszt), 322
Piano Concerto No. 1 (MacDowell),
191, 192
Piano Concerto No. 2 (MacDowell), 192
Piano Phase (Reich), 450
piano rolls, 239, 241
Piano Sonata No. 1 (Reinagle), 107, 108
Piano Sonata No. 2, Concord (Ives), 196,
201, 203
Piazzola, Astor, 550
piccolo, 170
Pickett, Wilson, 463
Picon, Molly, 527
Pierpont, John, 97
Pierrot lunaire (Schoenberg), 316
Pilgrims, 26–27
“Pill, The” (Lynn), 475
“Pinetop’s Boogie Woogie” (Smith), 337
Pink Floyd, 478
Pinkster Celebration, 93–94, 96
Pinza, Ezio, 307
“Pipeline,” 454
Piron, A. J., 409
Piron and Williams Orchestra, 409
“Pistol Packin’ Mama,” 419
Piston, Walter, 306, 391
Pithecanthropus Erectus (Mingus), 400
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, 233
plagiarism, sampling and, 545

Plains Indians, 515
Plains Indian Wars, 207, 515
plainsong, 18c, 21
player pianos, 241
“Please, Please, Please,” 459
Pleasure-Dome of Kubla Khan, The
(Griffes), 282
pleasure gardens, 55, 59
Plenary (folk hymn), 74
Plessy v. Ferguson, 163c, 237
Plow That Broke the Plains, The
(Thomson), 309
“plugging” popular songs, 145, 174, 176,
178, 317
plunderphonics, 548
Plunderphonics (Oswald), 548
plunger-and-growl technique, 301
plunger mute, 289, 301
Plymouth, Massachusetts, 26–27
Poème électronique (Varèse), 392
Poems of the Chinese Revolution
(Tsiang), 313
poetic meter, in psalmody, 28, 36
beat, 453
French symbolist, 453
pogroms, 526
Poland, 526
politicizers, 432, 434
American independence
movement, 34–36
blackface minstrelsy and, 144
Civil War, 157
folk song’s role in, 351–59
labor movement songs,
1960s, 341, 538
racial segregation, 242, 431
in Ruth Crawford Seeger’s music,
313, 316, 317
polka, 286, 519
“polygenesis,” theory of, 132
polyphony, vocal
in Roman Catholic religious
music, 21, 22
in Sherburne, 64, 66
polyrhythms, 88, 403, 404
in “Oye como va,” 469
in “Superfl y,” 480
Pomus, Doc, 452
Ponca Indian nation, 515, 516
Pop, Igg y, 473
popularizers, 432, 434
popular music; see also specifi c types
movies as driver for hit songs,
and postmodern composition, 497
popular songs; see also parlor songs;
specifi c genres and titles
arrangements of, 414–15
band arrangements of, 178
in big band swing, 376
eighteenth century, 60
in fi lms, 361–71

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