An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Smith, Patti, 473
Smith, Roger, 138
Smith, Stuff, 553
Smith, Will, 544
Smith, William, 70
Smith, Willie “The Lion,” 328, 377
Smithsonian/Folkways Records, 526
Smithsonian Institution (Washington,
D.C.), 162c, 210, 532
Smokey Robinson and the
Miracles, 464
snap, 544
Snetzler, John, 39
Snoop Dogg, 543, 543
Snow, Hank, 344, 429
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
(fi lm), 364
Snyder, Ted, 245
social organization
American colonial society, 48, 49
British class system, 49
gendered division, 146
in New Orleans, 98, 112, 123,
234, 286
republican ideas of, 121
separation of the sexes, 147
women’s liberation and, 538
social reform, 151–56, 223–24, 351–59,
societies and organizations; see also
specifi c organizations
amateur groups, 172, 189
black social clubs, 239
composers’ groups, 286
glee clubs, 172
psalm-singing, 64, 66
singing groups, 77, 118–19, 172
Society for the Propagation of the
Gospel in Foreign Parts
(SPG), 39
sock rhythm, 419
“Soldier’s Sweetheart, The”
(Rodgers), 271
solfège, 72
solmization, 69, 72
solo improvisation, 376
“So Long, It’s Been Good to Know You”
(Guthrie), 355–56
“Some Enchanted Evening” (Rodgers
and Hammerstein), 372
“Someone to Watch over Me”
(Gershwin), 318
Something Wild (fi lm), 367
“Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless
Child” (spiritual), 227
Sonata da Chiesa (Thomson), 309
sonata form, 119–20, 326
Sonata for Microtonal Piano (Johnston),
Sonata no. 2 (Cage), 393, 394, 395
Sonatas and Interludes (Cage), 393
Sondheim, Stephen, 406, 486–88
“song and patter,” 266
song catchers, 220, 264, 268, 358

“Song of Approach” (Omaha song),
211, “211”
Song of Hiawatha, The (Longfellow),
209, 210
song pluggers, 317; see also “plugging”
popular songs
Songs, Drones, and Refrains of Death
(Cr umb), 447
Songs in the Key of Life (Wonder), 478
Songs of Innocence and Experience
(Bolcom), 497
songsters, 101, 220–21, 223
song texts
of Civil War songs, 156, 157, 159
of “coon” songs, 244
of country music, 270
of frontier songs, 221
of gospel songs, 174, 340
of hymns, 81–82
of Ives’s “Housatonic at
Stockbridge,” 198
of labor songs, 223, 224
of minstrel songs, 134
Native American, 208, 209
of parlor songs, 148, 150–51
of popular songs, 178, 181–82,
246, 247
of psalms, 31, 38
of rhythm and blues songs, 421
of rock and roll songs, 430
of rock songs, 538
of slave songs and spirituals, 89
of spirituals, 225–27, 229
“Song to Woody” (Dylan), 435
Sonic Youth, 508
sonnambula, La (Bellini), 111
Sonny Bono Act, 387c, 546
Sons of the Pioneers, 344
“Soon” (Sondheim), 487
“Sophisticated Lady” (Ellington), 299
soprano saxophone, 443–45
soul jazz, 402, 441
soul music, 459–63
in 1970s, 478
sound, music vs., 199
SoundCloud, 547
soundies, 504
Sounding Joy (hymn tune), 74
Sound of Music (Rodgers and
Hammerstein), 372, 443
sound recordings; see also cylinder
recordings; “race” records
of bands, 170–72
of bebop, 399
of black gospel music, 340
of blues, 355
charts, 430
of classical music, 307
as collaborations, 427–28
concept albums, 414–15
disco, 479
distribution of, 551
as documentation, 405, 535
effect on current state of
American music, 556

during Great Depression, 341
growth of, 309
of jazz, 289, 290, 294–97, 328–30,
405, 412, 535, 536
legal issues surrounding
sampling, 545–46
long-playing, 405
markets for, 429
of Mexican-American songs,
of Motown style, 463–66
as musical works, 405, 412
of Native American music, 211
in 1960s pop music, 459–66
of rhythm and blues, 421–23
of rock and roll, 427–29
role of producer in rock, 452
of soul music, 459–66
studio techniques, 413
soundtracks, 362
source music, 362
Sousa, John Philip, 163c, 166–68, 166 ,
167 , 170–72, 178, 233, 234,
545, 549
compositions of, 167–70
programming approach of, 167
Sousa Band, 163c, 166–68, 172, 239
sound recordings of, 170–72
South, 256; see also specifi c cities and
black music making in, 88–90,
96–100, 238–42, 257
blues in, 256–63
country music in, 263–74
sacred singing in, 69–74
South Bronx, New York City, 510
South Carolina; see also Charleston
Anglican Church in, 39
Sea Islands, 225
shape-note singing in, 73
slavery in, 97
Southern Harmony, The (Walker), 73,
284, 286
Southern Music Publishing
Company, 341
Southern Plains Indians, 515, 517, 518
South Pacifi c (Rodgers and Hammer-
stein), 372, 406
Native American peoples, 21, 24
Spanish in, 21, 24, 222–23
Soviet Union, 388
“So W hat” (Davis), 443
“Soy de San Luis” (Jiménez), 519–21
Spangler, George, 30
“Spanish Harlem” (Lieber and
Stoller), 452
“Spanish Lady” (ballad), 45, 49
Spanish people
early explorers, 20–22, 24
early settlements, 20–22
in Louisiana, 286
Spanish Songs of Old California (Lummis
and Farwell), 222
“Spanish tinge,” 291, 403

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