An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Spann, Otis, 421
Spears, Britney, 536
Spector, Phil, 452–54, 464
speed metal, 506
Spelman College, 227
spheres. See categories, musical
Spielberg, Stephen, 500
Spier, Henry, C., 333
spirituals, 224–30
African American, 100–103
in churches, 338
concert, 228–30, 327–28
emotional contradictions in, 89
infl uence on gospel music, 341
revival, 68
and Still’s Afro-American Symphony
(Still), 325, 326
Spiritual Songs for Social Worship (Hast-
ings and Mason), 19c, 80–81
Sprechstimme, 314, 316
“Springfi eld Mountain,” 311
square dances, 49
square root form, 393, 394, 395
Stagecoach (fi lm), 367
“Stage Show” (television show), 429
“Stagger Lee,” 271
Stamp Act (1764), 34
Stamps-Baxter Music Company, 342
standards, 274, 371, 414
in big-band swing, 376
infl uence on Rochberg, 447
Starobin, David, 149
star performers, 111–13, 173, 429
Starr, Kay, 457
Stars and Stripes Forever, The (Sousa),
“Star-Spangled Banner, The” (Key), 129
Star Wars (fi lm), 500, 502
Stax studios, 479
Stax/ Volt Records, 463
“Stayin’ Alive,” 479
“Steal Away” (spiritual), 227
Steamboat Willie (fi lm), 363–64
steel guitar, 274, 346, 418
in country music, 415
in western swing, 347, 348
Steen, Linda, 154
Stein, Gertrude, 309
Steinbeck, John, 354, 367, 368, 371, 458
Steiner, Max, 362–63, 363 , 365, 500, 502
Steppenwolf, 506
of African Americans, 132, 133,
144, 242
in gangsta rap, 543
of Native Americans, 209, 210
in popular theater, 246
of women, 538
of women as composers, 188
Stern, Joseph W., 176
Sternhold, Thomas, 26, 28
Stetson hats, 271
stevedores, 89, 90
Stevens, Cat, 474
Stewart, Jim, 463

Steyermark Ensemble, 122
Still, William Grant, 254c, 324–28
Stills, Steven, 474
Sting, The (fi lm), 242
Stockhausen, Karlheinz, 395
Stokowski, Leopold, 282, 306, 307, 307 ,
324, 410
Stoller, Mike, 451–52
Stone, Fred, 303
Stone, John A., 220
Stono Rebellion (1739), 97
Stooges, the, 473
Stookey, Paul, 437
stop-time, 252, 288
Story ville district, New Orleans,
Louisiana, 290
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 95, 144, 210
straight-ahead jazz, 531
Straight Outta Compton (N.W.A.), 543
Strangers, the, 458, 460
Straus, Oscar, 234
Strauss, Johann, 122
Strauss, Richard, 167, 306, 363
Stravinsky, Igor, 280, 306, 322, 370, 371,
378, 386c, 389, 389 , 535, 548
on Carter, 391
compositions of, 280, 307, 446, 449
serial works of, 390
Strayhorn, Billy, 299, 300
Stricklin, Al, 348
stride piano, 328, 378
string bands, 266, 267, 271, 432, 434
string bass. See double bass
“String of Pearls” (Miller), 378
String Quartet 1931 (Crawford), 312
String Quartet No. 1 (Carter), 391
String Quartet No. 2 (Carter), 391
String Quartet No. 4 (Johnston), 492
string sections, in country music, 457
Strong, Barrett, 464, 465
Strong, Jimmy, 296
strophes, 156
strophic song form, 28, 30, 37, 156, 271,
352, 437, 438
“Struttin’ with Some Barbecue”
(Armstrong), 295
Student Prince, The (Romberg),
234, 275
studio techniques (sound recordings),
Study of Omaha Indian Music, A (Fletcher
and Fillmore), 163c, 211
Styne, Jule, 486
subgenres, 468
subscription, publishing by, 33,
35–36, 64
subscription concerts, 56
“Subterranean Homesick Blues”
(Dylan), 504
Such Sweet Thunder (Ellington), 330
Sugar Hill Gang, 386c, 510
Sugar Hill Records, 510
Suicidal Tendencies, 508
Suite for Microtonal Piano, A (Johnston),

Sullivan, Arthur, 224, 233; see also
Gilbert and Sullivan
Summer, Donna, 481
“Summertime” (Gershwin), 323,
400, 401
Sunday, Billy, 342
Sun Records, 421, 423, 427–29
Sun-Treader (Ruggles), 283
“Super Bad” (Brown), 478
Super Fly (fi lm), 479, 543
“Superfl y” (Mayfi eld), 479–81
super Locrian mode, 483
Superman (fi lm series), 500, 502
Supremes, the, 464
“Surfi n’ USA,” 454
surf music, 454
Swan, Timothy, 64
“Swanee” (Caesar & Gershwin), 235 ,
236, 317
Sweeney, Joel, 135–36
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet
Street (Sondheim), 487
“Sweet Betsey from Pike” (Stone),
“Sweet By and By” (Webster), 174, 175,
198, 201, 223
band arrangement of, 168
“Sweet Little Sixteen” (Berry),
425, 454
“Sweet Rosie O’Grady,” 181
Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song
(fi lm), 479
“Sweet Talkin’ Guy,” 538
Swift, Kay, 324
swing, 255c, 298–303, 375–79, 396, 532
Basie band, 376–80
Ellington orchestra, 299–303
and evolution of pop music, 481
“Swing Along” (Cook), 238
“Swing Down Chariot,” 543
Swing Era, 375–79, 414
and rumba, 403
“Swing Low, Sweet Chariot”
(spiritual), 227, 228
Sylviad, The, or Minstrelsy of Nature in the
Wilds of N. America, 124, 195
Symmes, Thomas, 29
Symphonic Sketches (Chadwick), 186–87
symphony, 120–21
Symphony in White (W histler), 321
Symphony No. 1 (Beethoven), 120
Symphony No. 2 (Chadwick), 187
Symphony No. 3 (Harris), 310
Symphony No. 3 (Ives), 196, 391
Symphony No. 4 (Ives), 446
Symphony No. 5 (Beethoven), 121
Symphony No. 8 (Mahler), 307
Symphony No. 9 (From the New World)
(Mahler), 195
Symphony No. 1 in E Minor (Price), 325
syncopation, 167
in concert music, 186, 187
in Cook’s Swing Along, 238
in dance music, 245
in minstrel songs, 140

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