An Introduction to America’s Music

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Public concerts of the eighteenth century emphasized variety, running more
to short pieces than long ones. Most were two-part affairs, each part beginning
and ending with as full an ensemble as possible, and mixing vocal and instru-
mental selections in between. Vocal numbers ranged from solo songs and opera
arias to glees (unaccompanied songs for three or more solo singers). Instru-
mental numbers included solo keyboard pieces, chamber music, and pieces for
orchestra, with “Concerto” or “Grand Symphony” meaning a one-movement
excerpt, not an entire three- or four-movement work.
The program of a concert given on June 25, 1799, in Salem, Massachusetts,
offers a glimpse of how a corps of seasoned troupers might plan a concert. This
performance was a joint benefi t for Catherine Graupner, a prominent theatri-
cal singer, and Peter Albrecht von Hagen, instrumentalist and orchestra leader,
both active in Boston.
The program follows the standard two-part format, with orchestral works
beginning and ending each part. Soloists supplied variety, and fi ve of the seven
belonged to either the Graupner or the von Hagen family. The Graupner–von

A Concert Program of 1799

part 1st
Overture, composed by...................................... .Pleyel
Song by Mr. Munto...................................... Dr. Arnold
A Sonata on the Grand Forte Piano for 4 hands, by Mrs. von Hagen and Mr. von Hagen, jun..... Kozeluch
“By my tender passion,” a favorite song in the Haunted Tower, by Mrs. Graupner.......... Storace
Solo on the Clarinet, by Mr. Granger................................ .Vogel
Lullaby, a favourite Glee for four voices, Mrs. Graupner, Mr. Granger, Mr. Mallet and Mr. Munto.. Harrison
Concerto on the Violin by Mr. Von Hagen........................... Jearnowick

part 2nd
Concerto on the Piano Forte, by Mrs. von Hagen.......................... Haydn
Columbia’s Bold Eagle, a patriotic song, words by a gentleman of Salem.
Music by Mr. Graupner and sung by Mrs. Graupner
Concerto on the Hautboy, by Mr. Graupner............................ .Le Brun
The Play’d in Air, a much admired Glee in the Castle Spectre, by Mrs. Graupner,
Mr. Granger, Mr. Mallet and Mr. Munto
Quartetto by Messrs. von Hagen, sen. and jun., Mr. Laumont, and Mrs. Graupner
“To Arms, to arms,” a new patriotic song, written by Thomas Paine, A.M. sung by
Mrs. Graupner and music by Mr. von Hagen, jun.
Finale.............................................. Haydn

In their own words

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