An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
And, of course, academic scholars are not the
only movie lovers who find it useful to categorize
films by genre. Genre has a significant effect on
how audiences choose the movies they attend, rent,
or purchase. Movie reviewers often critique a film
based on how it stacks up against others in its
genre. Most movie-rental retailers organize movies
according to genre (along with more general
catchall classifications like drama and comedy).
Online and newspaper theater listings include a
movie’s genre alongside its rating, running time,
and show time. Of the aforementioned fifteen top-
grossing movies for the weekend of June 24, 2011,
at least nine could be considered genre films:
The Green Lantern (Martin Campbell), X- Me n:
First Class(Matthew Vaughn), and Thor(Kenneth
Branagh) are all part of the action movie subgenre
dedicated to comic book adaptations; Fast Five
(Justin Lin) is a full-blown action movie; Super 8
(J. J. Abrams) is a science-fiction thriller; and
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides(Rob
Marshall) updates the classic swashbuckler movie.
Two top-grossing animated kid’s movie sequels
have adopted action film subgenres: Kung Fu Panda
2 (Jennifer Yuh) is a martial arts film, and Cars 2
(John Lasseter and Brad Lewis) is a spy thriller.
There’s no official name for the emerging genre
that places anthropomorphized celebrity-voiced
animals in straightforward, goal-driven plots that
speak to children’s fears of (among other things)
parental abandonment. But this particular kind of
movie has been around since Dumbo(1941; director:
Ben Sharpsteen) and lives on this particular weekend
in the form of Rio(Carlos Saldanha).
Since genre labels allow us to predict with rea-
sonable certainty what sort of movie to expect, these
classifications don’t just help audiences make their
viewing choices; the people that finance movies
often must account for genre when deciding which
projects to bankroll.
Genres offer familiar story formulas, conventions,
themes, and conflicts, as well as immediately rec-
ognizable visual icons, all of which together provide
a blueprint for creating and marketing a type of
film that has proven successful in the past. Studios
and distributors can develop genre-identified stars,
select directors on the basis of proven proficiency




Genre studyScholars find genre films to be especially
rich artifacts that can reveal a great deal about the culture
that produced and consumed them, as well as about the
filmmakers who made them. What does Martin Scorsese,
a director associated with gangster films such as Mean
Streets(1973) [1], and Goodfellas(1990) [2], do with a
musical like New York New York(1977) [3]? What do the
forty-eight or so thrillers that Alfred Hitchcock produced in
a prolific fifty-year span tell us about the evolution of our
popular culture, film style, the movie business... and
Hitchcock himself?

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