An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Writing a book seems very much at times like the
collaborative effort involved in making a movie. In
writing this Fourth Edition of Looking at Movies, we
are grateful to our excellent partners at W. W.
Norton & Company. Chief among them is our edi-
tor, Pete Simon, who guided us in preparing this
new edition with insightful ideas and a sure hand.
Other collaborators at Norton were Thomas Foley,
senior project editor; Benjamin Reynolds, senior
production manager; Eileen Connell and Cassie del
Pilar, e-media editors; Laura Musich, associate edi-
tor, media; Jack Lamb, media designer; Nicole
Albas, marketer; and Quynh Do, editorial assistant.
It has been a pleasure to work with such a respon-
sive, creative, and supportive team.
Richard Barsam thanks the friends and col-
leagues who contributed suggestions for this edi-
tion, including Luis-Antonio Bocchi, Richard Koss,
Vinny LoBrutto, and Renato Tonelli. Finally, I am
grateful to Edgar Munhall for his interest, patience,
and companionship.
Dave Monahan would like to thank the faculty,
staff, and students of the Film Studies Department
at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington.
My colleagues Mariana Johnson, Shannon Silva,
Andre Silva, Tim Palmer, Todd Berliner, Carlos
Kase, Nandana Bose, Chip Hackler, Lou Buttino,
Glenn Pack, and Sue Richardson contributed a
great deal of expertise and advice. Nate Daniel
and Alex Markowski deserve special thanks for
their post-production help with this edition’s new
tutorials and other video assets. The film-studies
students Leanne Entwistle and Chad Perz con-
tributed to the new tutorial content as well, princi-
pally by scouring movies for new examples and

I’d also like to thank my wife, Julie, and daugh-
ters, Iris and Elsa, for their patience, support, and

We would like to join the publisher in thanking all
of the professors and students who provided valu-
able guidance as we planned this revision. Looking
at Moviesis as much their book as ours, and we are
grateful to both students and faculty who have
cared enough about this text to offer a hand in
making it better.
The following colleagues provided extensive
reviews of the Third Edition and many ideas for
improving the book in its Fourth Edition: Katrina
Boyd (University of Oklahoma), James B. Bush
(Texas Tech University), Rodney Donahue (Texas
Tech University), Cable Hardin (South Dakota
State University), Christopher Jacobs (University
of North Dakota), Tammy A. Kinsey (University of
Toledo), Bradford Owen (California State
University, San Bernadino), W. D. Phillips (College
of Staten Island/New York University), Michael
Rowin (Hunter College, CUNY), and Nicholas
Sigman (Hunter College, CUNY).
The transition from our Second Edition to the
Third was an especially momentous revision, and
we wish to acknowledge once more the following
people, all of whom provided invaluable input dur-
ing that important stage in the evolution of Looking
at Movies: Donna Casella (Minnesota State
University), John G. Cooper (Eastern Michigan
University), Mickey Hall (Volunteer State Community
College), Stefan Hall (Defiance College), Jennifer
Jenkins (University of Arizona), Robert S. Jones

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