An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Analyzing Mise-en-Scène

This chapter has introduced the major elements that
together form any film’s mise-en-scène. You should
now understand that the term mise-en-scènedenotes
all of those elements taken together——the overall
look and feel of the film——and that mise-en-scène
plays a crucially important role in shaping the mood

of the film. Using what you have learned in this chap-
ter, you should be able to characterize the mise-en-
scène of any movie (or any shot) in precise terms,
referring to the framing, composition in depth, the
lighting, the setting, the design and use of objects,
and the placement and appearance of characters.

movement in the film or clip complements or
detracts from the development of the narrative.
✔Note the type of movement (movement of
figures within the frame or movement of the
frame itself) in important shots and describe
as accurately as possible the effect that that
movement has on the relationships among the
figures in the frame.
✔Does the movie’s design have a unified feel? Do
the various elements of the design (the sets,
props, costumes, makeup, hairstyles, etc.) work
together, or do some elements work against
others? What is the effect either way?
✔Was achieving verisimilitude important to
the design of this film or clip? If so, have the
filmmakers succeeded in making the overall
mise-en-scène feel real, or verisimilar? If
verisimilitude doesn’t seem to be important in
this film or clip, what do you suspect the
filmmakers were attempting to accomplish with
their design?
✔How does the design and mise-en-scène in this
movie or clip relate to the narrative? Is it appro-
priate for the story being told? Does it quietly
reinforce the narrative and development of char-
acters? Does it partly determine the develop-
ment of narrative and characters? Does it
render the narrative secondary or even over-
whelm it?

✔As you watch the film or clip, be alert to the
overall design plan and mise-en-scène and to
your emotional response to them. Are you com-
forted or made anxious by them? Are your
senses overwhelmed or calmed by what you see

✔Identify the elements of the mise-en-scène that
seem to be contributing the most to your emo-
tional response.

✔Does the design in the movie or clip create the
correct times, spaces, and moods? Does it go
beyond surfaces and relate to developing

✔Be alert to the framing of individual shots, and
make note of the composition within the frame.
Where are figures placed? What is the relation-
ship among the figures in the foreground, middle
ground, and background?

✔Is the framing of this film or clip open, or is it
closed? How can you tell? What is the effect of
this framing on your understanding of the
narrative and characters?

✔Does the use of light in the movie or clip call
attention to itself? If so, describe the effect that
it has on the composition in any shot you

✔Does the film or clip employ lots of movement?
Very little movement? Describe how the use of

Screening Checklist: Mise-en-Scène

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