An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Page numbers in italicsrefer to
illustrations and captions; those
in boldfacerefer to main
discussions of topics.


Aardman Animations, 113
ABBA, 107
Abel, Richard, 435
About Schmidt(Payne), 291
Abrams, J. J., Super 8,66, 85
Abyss, The(Cameron), 281
Academy of Motion Picture Arts
and Sciences, 68, 192,
194, 504
Accatone(Pasolini), 405
Ace in the Hole(Wilder), 96
Ackroyd, Barry, 246
Across the Universe(Taymor), 107, 107
acting, 287–338
analyzing of, 331
casting actors and, 310–14,312,
casting factors in, 310–14
classical studio era and, 299–392
contemporary, 305–9, 312
defined, 288–95
early screen styles of, 294–95
editing and, 327

ensemble, 325–26
evolution of screen, 294–310
filmmaking and, 322–27,324,
326, 327
framing, composition, lighting,
and the long take, 323–26
improvisational, 294, 320,320–21
influence of sound, 297,297–99
movie actors and, 289–94
movie stars and, 299–302, 302
nonnaturalistic, 292
performances, 327–36, 329
preparing for roles, 316–18, 317
stage vs. screen, 288–89
Stanislavsky and method acting,
styles, 318–20, 319
subtext and, 303
technology and, 309–10
types of actors and, 290–94
types of roles, 314–16
action genre, 209
Actor Prepares, An(Stanislavsky), 303
casting of, 310–14,312, 313
chameleon-type, 290, 292–94
directors and, 321–22
movie, 289–94
nonnaturalistic, 292
personality-type, 290, 291–92
types of, 290–94

Actors Studio, 303
actualités, 59, 439
Adajama, Homi, Being Cyrus, 472
Adam, Ken, 199
Adamson, Andrew, Shrek, 113
Adaptation(Jonze), 345
for film, 146, 183,194, 317
literary, 143–45
additive color systems, 234
Adler, Stella, 303
Adrian, 192
Adventure, The(Antonioni), 200
Adventures of Tintin, The(Spielberg),
Æon Flux(Kusama), 188, 189
aerial-view shot, 263–64, 277
Affron, Charles, 300
African Americans:
actors, 442
casting of, 311
movies about, 311, 312–13
African Queen, The(Huston), 307,
After Dark, My Sweet(Foley), 96
After the Thin Man(Van Dyke), 496
Agadzhanova, Nina, 151
Agantuk(S. Ray), 472
age and casting, 314
Age of Innocence, The(Scorsese), 197
Agfa film, 235

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