An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Cries and Whispers(Bergman),
370, 372
Cripple Creek Bar-Room Scene
(Edison), 103
crisis, in dramatic structure, 135,
Crisp, Donald, 295, 296
Criss Cross(Siodmak), 96
critical flicker fusion, 49
Cromwell, John, Of Human Bondage,
Cronenberg, David, The Fly, 98
Cronenweth, Jeff, 227
Crosby, Floyd, 233
Crosland, Alan, The Jazz Singer,106,
451, 451
crosscutting, 277, 367, 440, 449, 460
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon(A.
Lee), 199, 201, 209,470, 470
Crowd, The(Vidor), 207, 444
Crowe, Russell, 148, 149,305, 311, 364
Crowley, Nathan, 176
Cruel Story of Youth(Oshima), 466
Cruise, Tom, 178,290–91, 322, 411,
411,503, 511
Crusaders, The, 442
Cruz, Penélope, 311
Crying Game, The(Jordan), 263, 405
Cuarón, Alfonso, 146, 372, 373
Children of Men, 99
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban, 25
Y tu mamá también, 373
Cucaracha, La(Corrigan), 235
Cukor, George, 321, 496
The Philadelphia Story, 301
A Star Is Born, 108
cultural invisibility, 10–11, 11
Cumberbatch, Benedict, 183
Cundey, Dean, 264, 281
Curious Case of Benjamin Button,
The(Fincher), 283
Curran, John, 404
Currie, Finlay, 146
Curse of Frankenstein, The(Fisher),
Curtis, Simon, My Week with
Marilyn, 156
Curtis, Tony, 239
Curtiz, Michael, 173, 193, 301, 507
Casablanca, 147, 357, 358
Mildred Pierce, 307
The Private Lives of Elizabeth and
Essex, 307
Yankee Doodle Dandy, 108

Cusack, John, 260
cuts, cutting, 5, 340
crosscutting and, 367
director’s, 343
eyeline match, 365, 367, 370
graphic match, 365–67, 366
intercutting and, 367
jump, 368
match, 364–67
match-on-action, 8, 8,364–67,
Czettel, Rudi, 181

DaCosta, Morton, The Music Man,
dadaist films, 445
D’Agostino, Albert S., 199
Daguerre, Louis-Jacques-Mandeé,
Dahl, John, The Last Seduction, 96
dailies, 392, 493
Daldry, Stephen, 307, 326, 407
The Hours, 307
Dalí, Salvador, An Andalusian Dog,
78,79, 447
Dallwitz, Burkhard, 422
Damon, Matt, 156, 272,309, 406
Dancer in the Dark(von Trier), 107,
Dances with Wolves(Costner), 105,
110, 314
Dancyger, Ken, 340
Dandridge, Dorothy, 313, 313
Dangerous(Green), 302
Daniel, Gordon, 419
Daniels, Lee, Precious: Based on the
Novel “Push” by Sapphire,
128, 129
Danish cinema, 201
Dante’s Inferno, 442
Darcy, Georgine, 368
Dardenne, Jean-Pierre and Luc, 517
L’Enfant, 57, 457
The Kid with a Bike, 83
Darjeeling Limited, The(Anderson),
Dark Days(Singer), 231
Dark Knight, The(Nolan), 111, 176, 192
Dark Shadows(Burton), 292
Dark Victory(Goulding), 307, 499
Das, Nandita, 472
Das Gupta, Uma, 401
das neue Kino, 463–64, 465

Dassin, Jules:
The Naked City, 96
Rififi, 93
Daves, Delmer, 3:10 to Yuma, 105
Davidson, Jaye, 405
Davies, Marion, 499
Da Vinci Code, The(Howard), 155
Davis, Bette, 193, 256, 256,300,
301–2, 306–8, 306,314, 316,
321, 322, 365, 367, 499
Davis, Don, 404
Davis, Ron, 368
Dawley, J. Searle, 279
Dawn of the Dead(Romero), 102
Dawn Patrol, The(Hawks), 499
Day, Doris, 301
Day, Richard, 179, 197
Days of Heaven(Malick), 123, 151, 155,
258, 259
Days of Thunder(T. Scott), 307
Day the Earth Stood Still,
The(Wise), 98
Dead Man(Jarmusch), 104, 105
Deakins, Roger, 231
Dean, James, 303, 304
Dearden, Basil, Victim,462, 462
Death Breath(van der Beek), 81
Death of a Salesman(Miller), 51n
Death to the Tinman(Tintori), 83
Debie, Benoît, 275
Debucourt, Roderick, 447
Decalogue(Kieslowski), 203
décor, 183–87,217, 218
Decugis, Cécile, 351
deep-focus cinematography, 255–56,
325, 434, 454, 454
deep-focus sound, 423
deep-space composition, 252,
255–56, 255, 256
Delerue, Georges, 404, 408
Delicatessen(Jeunet), 418
Dellaringa, Brandee, 176
Delon, Alain, 175, 176
del Rio, Dolores, 313
Del Toro, Benicio, 67, 290, 305
del Toro, Guillermo:
Blade II, 13
The Devil’s Backbone,13, 108, 247
Hellboy, 13
Hellboy II: The Golden Army,
182, 182
Mimic, 13
Pan’s Labyrinth,13, 173, 173, 182
DeMille, Cecil B., 182, 279, 279n
The Squaw Man, 442

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