An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Demme, Jonathan, 42, 44, 312
The Silence of the Lambs,53, 102
Demme, Ted, 293
Demy, Jacques, The Umbrellas of
Cherbourg, 105
Dench, Judi, 314
Dencik, Daniel, 351
De Niro, Robert, 146, 152,269, 275,
276, 304, 320,321, 322, 371
De Palma, Brian, 293, 473, 475
Carrie, 102
Scarface, 93
Depp, Johnny, 6, 104,128, 189, 190,
211, 212, 212, 213, 215,
292–93, 292,305, 309, 312,
319–20, 319, 322
depth, 252–59,254–55, 256, 259
depth of field, 246
Deren, Maya, Meshes of the
Dern, Laura, 264, 264
Desfontaines, Henri, 295
The Loves of Queen Elizabeth,
De Sica, Vittorio, 200, 200,328,
457, 471
The Bicycle Thieves,456, 457, 471
Shoeshine, 456
Umberto D, 456
design, 172, 179–202
American Beauty, 216–18, 220
elements of, 183–94
international styles and
development, 194–202,195,
198, 200, 201
sound, 390–91
Desilu Productions, 501
Desk Set(Lang), 305
Desperado(Rodriguez), 469
Destiny(Lang), 197
Destry Rides Again(Marshall), 105
Detour(Ulmer), 96
Deverick, Nat G., The Power of Love,
Devi, Chunibala, 401
Devi(S. Ray), 472
Devil’s Backbone, The(del Toro),
13, 247
Devine, Andy, 157, 158, 315
Devo, 404
Dial M for Murder(Hitchcock),
207, 515
dialogue, 399
Diamond, I. A. L., 130, 154

Diary of a Country Priest(Bresson),
Diaz, Cameron, 290
Di Campo, Dino, 389
DiCaprio, Leonardo, 238,292, 292,
305, 311, 314, 389
Dick, Philip K., 145, 156
Dickens, Charles, 146
Dickerson, Ernest, 261, 261
Dickson, William Kennedy Laurie,
diegesis, 140, 141, 143, 155, 396
diegetic elements, 140, 141, 143
in Stagecoach(Ford), 161–62
diegetic sound, 396,396–97
Dietrich, Marlene, 240, 301,322,
326, 327
digital cinematography, 434
digital format, 391
digital technology, 489–91
digital video discs, seeDVDs
Dikhtyar, Aleksandr, 197
Dillon, Matt, 347, 372
dime novels, 102
Dinosaur and the Missing Link, The:
A Prehistoric Tragedy
(O’Brien), 112
direct-address narration, 123
direct cinema, 73, 74, 75,266, 475–76
direct costs, 507
direction, light, lighting, 238–42
director, role of, 484–85
director of photography, 226–28
see alsocinematographer
directors, 499, 502
actor relationships with, 321–22
auteur theory and, 137
control by, 178–79, 178
maverick, 517
see also specific directors and films
director’s cut, 343
discontinuity, 355–75, 361
Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie,
The(Buñuel), 447
Disney, Walt, 143, 235, 443, 499, 502
Disney Studios, 107, 113, 282, 499,
512 n
dissolves, 371–72
distance effect, 318
distribution, film, 498–99
District 9(Blomkamp), 99, 130
Di Venanzo, Gianni, 236
Diving Bell and the Butterfly, The
(Schnabel), 274

D.O.A.(Maté), 96
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
(Dick), 156
Dobbs, Lem, 126
Doctor Zhivago(Lean), 226
documentary films, 4,66, 67, 70–75,
74, 75, 76,82–83, 82, 83
defined, 71
see alsononfiction films
Dog Day Afternoon(Lumet), 130
Dogme 95 movement, 84, 201, 351,
Dog Star Man(Brakhage), 81, 476
Dogville(von Trier), 172, 243–44, 243,
307, 319, 463
Dolby Digital system, 475
Dolby system, 390
dolly, defined, 267
dolly in, 267
dolly out, 268
dolly shot, 16, 267,267–68
Dominik, Andrew, Chopper, 156
Domino(Scott), 82
Donen, Stanley, 209, 298
On the Town, 108
Singin’ in the Rain,87, 108, 297
Donner, Richard:
The Omen, 102
Superman, 111
Donnie Brasco(Newell), 292
Donnie Darko(Kelly), 56, 99
Don’t Look Back(Pennebaker), 291
Don’t Look Now(Roeg), 367
Dorléac, Jean-Pierre, 191
Dorn, Dody, 345
Do the Right Thing(S. Lee), 260–61,
261, 319
Double Indemnity(Wilder), 47, 94,
129, 331, 345, 400
double-system recording, 392
Douglas, Kirk, 259, 299
Dovzhenko, Aleksandr, 194, 303
Downey, Robert, Jr., 183, 305,311, 314
Downs, Cathy, 105, 414
downshots, 260
Dracula(Browning), 99, 109
Drag Me to Hell(Raimi), 102
Dreamgirls(Condon), 107, 403
Dreams(Kurosawa), 409
Dreams That Money Can Buy
(Richter), 81
Dream Street(Griffith), 442
DreamWorks, 282, 512
Dreier, Hans, 182, 199


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