An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Hallelujah!(Vidor), 390
Haller, Daniel, 191
Haller, Ernest, 235, 235, 269
Halloween lighting, 101, 102, 241
Halloweenmovies, 100
Hallström, Lasse, 326
Chocolat, 292
My Life as a Dog, 419
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, 292
Hamada, Tatsuo, 201
Hameister, Willy, 234
Hamlet(Kozintsev), 195
Hamlet(Maurice), 295
Hamlet(Olivier), 399
Hammer, Armie, 310
Hammer, Lance, Ballast,83, 410
Hammer Studios, 212
Hammett, Dashiell, 93
Hammid, Alexander, Meshes of the
Afternoon, 79
Hampton, Christopher, 312
Hancock(Berg), 188
handheld cameras, 266, 272, 272
Hands on a Hard Body(Bindler), 74
Haneke, Michael, Funny Games,
123, 126, 517
Hangover, The, Part II,(Phillips),
109, 515
Hanks, Tom, 209, 210,281, 309,
494, 503
Hansard, Glen, 408
Hanson, Curtis, 293
L.A. Confidential, 95
Wonder Boys, 305
Happiness of the Katakuris, The
(Miike), 108
Hard Day’s Night, A(Lester), 462
Hardwicke, Catherine, 404
Hardy, Oliver, 443
Haring, Keith, 37–38, 38
Harjo, Sterlin, Four Sheets to the
Wind, 314
Hark Tsui, 201, 468, 469
The Butterfly Murders, 469
Peking Opera Blues, 468, 469
Harlan County USA(Kopple), 73–74
Harlow, Jean, 497
harmonic content, 395
Harper, Jessica, 101, 196
Harris, Ed, Appaloosa, 105
Harris, Jon, 372
Harris, Maury, 400
Harris, Richard, 148, 149
Harrison, Doane, 345

Harris Poll, 309, 311
Harryhausen, Ray, 112
Harry Potter, Jesus Christ and,
25–26, 26
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets(Columbus), 25
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:
Part I(Yates), 25, 26
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:
Part II(Yates), 1, 25,26, 26,
134, 514, 516
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
(Newell), 25
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood
Prince(Yates), 25
Harry Potter and the Order of the
Phoenix(Yates), 25
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban(Cuarón), 25
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
(Columbus), 25
Harry Pottermovies, 1,7, 22–31,23,
24–31,36, 127, 179, 404, 419
Christianity and, 26
earnings of, 23
Hitler and, 23–25, 25
mythical analysis of, 25–26
political analysis of, 23–25, 25
World War II and, 23–25, 25
Hart, William S., 103
Harvey, Herk, Carnival of Souls, 101
Hashimoto, Shinobu, 148
Hathaway, Anne, 190
Havelock-Allan, Anthony, 146
Hawke, Ethan, 146
Hawkes, Howard, 464
Hawkes, John, 421
Hawkesworth, John, 199
Hawks, Howard, 155, 179, 305, 308,
331, 399, 459
The Big Sleep, 96
Red River,105, 110
Scarface,88, 93
Haycox, Ernest, 157–59
Hayden, Sterling, 245
Hayes, John Michael, 126
Haynes, Todd, 173
I’m Not There,54, 291, 291
Hays, William Harrison, Sr., 452
Hays Office, 452
Haywire(Soderbergh), 517
Hayworth, Rita, 515
Hazanavicius, Michel, The Artist, 299
HBO, True Blood, 109

Head in the Clouds(Duigan), 188, 189
Heart of Glass(Herzog), 322, 464
Hearts of the World(Griffith), 296
Heaven(Tykwer), 352
Hecht, Ben, 123
Heckroth, Hein, 200
Hedda Gabler(Ibsen), 51n
Hedren, Tippi, 275, 277, 322
Heil, Reinhold, 405
Heinrichs, Rick, 213
Heist(Mamet), 400
heliographic process, 435
Hellboy(del Toro), 13, 108, 182, 182
Hellboy II: The Golden Army(del
Toro), 182, 182
Hellraiser,(Barker), 102
Helm, Zack, 125
Help, The(Taylor), 225
Heman, Roger, Sr., 398, 401, 414
Henabery, Joseph, 376
Henckel von Donnersmarck, Florian,
The Lives of Others, 144, 228
Henreid, Paul, 365, 367
Henry V(Olivier), 317, 317
Hepburn, Audrey, 301
Hepburn, Katharine, 301,302, 305,
307, 315
Herman, Lila, 351
Hermes Carrying the Infant Dionysus
(Praxiteles), 37, 38
hero, seeprotagonists
Hero(Zhang), 209
Herrmann, Bernard, 397, 397,404,
417, 419, 424, 455
Herschel, John, 435
Herzog, Werner, 137, 322, 418
Aguirre: The Wrath of God, 464
Even Dwarfs Started Small, 464
Heart of Glass,322, 464
Invincible, 181
Nosferatu the Vampire, 464
Wo y z e c k , 325 n
Heston, Charleton, 270, 271
Heyman, Mark, 128
Hickel, Hal, 282
high-angle shot, 260, 261
high-key lighting, 238, 240–41, 240
High Noon(Zinnemann), 151, 233
highshots, 260
Hill, George Roy, 474
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance
Kid, 103,110, 110
Hill, Hunter, Lake City, 294
Hillcoat, John, The Road, 188


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