An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Hiroshima mon amour(Resnais), 345
Hirsch, Paul, 372
Hirschberg, Lora, 389
Hirshfeld, Gerald, 280
His Girl Friday(Hawks), 305
historical drama genre, 192
History of American Cinema, 432
History of Narrative Film,
A(Cook), 433
Hitchcock, Alfred, 85,99, 153, 179,
182, 197, 200, 208, 264,
459, 460, 499
The Birds,101, 275, 277,322, 352, 417
Dial M for Murder,207, 515
The Lady Vanishes, 200
North by Northwest,155, 260, 261,
301,397, 397
Notorious,123, 124,125, 208, 255,
265, 268, 269, 301
Number Seventeen, 182
Psycho,41–42, 99, 297, 365, 417
Rear Window,126, 174, 175,315,
368, 368
Rebecca, 499
Rope, 151
Suspicion, 301
The 39 Steps,398, 417
To Catch a Thief, 301
Vertigo,322, 365
Hitch-Hiker, The(Lupino), 96
Hitler, Adolf:
German Expressionism and, 445
Harry Potter‘s Lord Voldemort
and, 23–25, 25
propaganda films and, 73
Ho, Yim, 469
Hoch, Winton C., 231, 232
Hocks, Richard, 410
Hodge, Adrian, 156
Hodge, John, 123, 146
Hoffe, Monckton, 399
Hoffman, Dustin, 248, 250,304,
314, 396
Hoffman, Michael, Restoration, 305
Hoffman, Philip Seymour, 228, 311,
329, 406
Hogarth, William, 212, 236
Højbjerg, Morten, 351
Holden, Stephen, 109
Holden, William, 94, 245, 432, 475
Holland, Rodney, 396
Hollywood, 79, 82, 93, 149, 184
African Americans and, 311, 312–13
comedies, 442–43

film style of, 440–43, 450–55
film systems used in, 234–36
foreign films and, 516–17
Golden Age of, 299–302,
299–302,441, 450–55, 453,
golden age of horror in, 99
musicals, 106
new, 308, 308, 472
phases of filmmaking in, 504
studio system, 137, 233, 238, 242,
310, 315, 321, 451, 472–73,
485, 509, 512
theme parks and movie sets, 184
see alsoindependent system
Hollywood Ending(Allen), 293
Hollywood production systems:
best picture nominees (2005), 515
contemporary, 512–15
decline of studio system, 500,
financing and, 505–7,506, 508–9
and Hollywood’s Golden Age, 498,
independent producers and,
506, 508–9
independent systems and,
501–5, 512
labor unions and, 503–4
marketing and distribution,
507–12, 512
maverick producers and
directors and, 517
postproduction and, 494–95
production and, 493–94
production/distribution data, 515
professional organizations and,
studio organization, 495–501,
497, 498
studios and independent
companies in, 513–14
Hollywood Reporter, 311
Hollywood Story, The(Finler), 434
Hollywood Studio System, The:
A History(Gomery), 434
Holm, Ian, 154, 418
Holman, Tomlinson, 391, 415
Holt, Tim, 332
Holt, Willy, 210
Hombre(Ritt), 105
Home and the World, The(S. Ray), 201
Home on the Range(Finn and
Sanford), 113

Honda, Ishirô, 280
Hondo(Farrow), 515
Hon. Frances Duncombe, The,
(Gainsborough), 57, 58
Hong Kong cinema, 201, 468–69
Hong Kong martial arts genre,
201, 209
Hooper, Tobe:
Poltergeist, 102
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre,
Hooper, Tom, The King’s Speech,
66, 156, 251–52, 253,
403, 516
Hopkins, Anthony, 288, 312
Hopper, Dennis, 304, 465
Easy Rider, 474
Hornby, Nick, 128
Horne, Lena, 313
horror genre, 81, 99–102,100, 101,
102, 445
Horror of Dracula(Fisher), 212
Horse Thief, The(Tian), 468
Hou, Hsiao-Hsien, 201
A City of Sadness, 470
Flight of the Red Balloon, 470
Houghton, Stanford, 414, 420
Hours, The(Daldry), 307, 326, 407
House(Obayashi), 467
Howard, Byron, Tangled, 129
Howard, Ron, The Missing, 105
Howard, Tom, 280, 281
Howe, James Wong, 234, 239
Howl’s Moving Castle(Miyazaki), 113
Hoyde, Ellen, 75
Hoyt, Harry O., 279
The Lost World, 112
Hudsucker Proxy, The(Coen), 305
Hughes, Albert, The Book of Eli, 250
Hughes, Allen, The Book of Eli, 250
Hughes, John, Ferris Bueller’s Day
Off, 123
Hugo(Scorsese), 516
Hui, Ann, 201, 469
The Boys from Vietnam, 469
Human Stain, The(Benton), 306,
307, 312
Hume, Alan, 281
Hung, Sammo, 469
Hunte, Otto, 279, 280
Hunter, Holly, 304, 329, 329, 367
Hunter, Jeffrey, 40
Huo, Tingxiao, 209
Hurd, Earl, 111

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