An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Hurt Locker, The(Bigelow), 133, 246,
387, 403
Hustler, The(Rossen), 304
Huston, Anjelica, 260
Huston, Danny, 278
Huston, John, 204, 205,260, 260, 315,
322, 328, 502
The African Queen, 307
Asphalt Jungle, 96
Fat City, 308
The Maltese Falcon,94, 96
The Misfits, 304
hybridization, 108–11
hybrid movies, 82–83
Hyman, Bernard, 496–97
hypo (hyposulfite thiosulfate), 435


Ibsen, Henrik, 51n
Ice Storm, The(A. Lee), 201, 395, 470
Idiots, The(von Trier), 463
Idziak, Slawomir, 203
if....(Anderson), 462
Ikiru(Kurosawa), 465
Iliad, The(Homer), 145
illusion of succession, 49
Imagining Argentina(Hampton), 312
IMAX, 229, 344, 486
international growth of, 517
3–D systems, 516
Imitation of Life(Sirk), 173
I’m Not There(Haynes), 54, 291, 291
iMovie, 75
implied events, 140, 141
Impossible Voyage, The(Méliès), 440
improvisation, 294, 320,320–21
defined, 320
in-camera, mechanical, and
laboratory effects, 279–80
in-camera effects, 279, 280
Inception(Nolan), 388, 389, 492
inciting incident, 132, 136
In Cold Blood(Brooks), 229
Inconvenient Truth, An
(Guggenheim), 72
Incredibles, The(Bird), 111, 114–15
independent filmmakers, 472–73
independent system, 485, 485n,
501–5,506, 508–9, 512,
directors in, 502
producers in, 501–5
see alsoHollywood
India, cinema of, 470–72

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
(Spielberg), 155
Indian cinema, 201
indirect costs, 507
Industrial Light & Magic, 282
Informer, The(Ford), 230, 263
Inglorious Basterds(Tarantino), 339
Inland Empire(Lynch), 82
Innocents, The(Clayton), 101
Insider, The(Mann), 364
Insomnia(Skjoldbjærg), 95
instructional films, 72, 72
intercutting, 367, 440
interior monologue, 398
Intermezzo(Ratoff ), 499
internal sound, 398–99, 399
international styles of design,
194–202,200, 201
Interpreter, The(Pollack), 307
Interrotron, 75
In the Bedroom(Field), 293, 329
In the Realm of the Senses(Oshima),
465, 466
In the Valley of Elah(Haggis), 188
Intolerable Cruelty(Coen and Coen),
400, 452
Intolerance(Griffith), 184, 191, 252,
296, 442, 448
Introducing Dorothy Dandridge
(Coolidge), 313
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
(Siegel), 98
Invincible(Herzog), 181
and cinematic language, 7–11,8, 14
cultural, 10–11, 11
and editing, 8, 9
exceptions to, 10
Invisible Cinema, 82
iPads, 2
Irglová, Markéta, 408
iris, 244
iris-in/iris-out, 372,372, 460
Iron Giant, The(Bird), 99, 111
Iron Horse, The(Ford), 105, 314
Iron Man(Favreau), 111, 145, 292, 305,
Iron Man 2(Favreau), 305
Irons, Jeremy, 422
Irréversible(Noé), 147, 148
Irving, Washington, 211
Isfalt, Björn, 419
It(Badger), 191
Italian cinema, 200, 200,455–57
Italian for Beginners(Scherfig), 463

Italian Straw Hat, An(Clair), 448
It Came from Outer Space(Arnold),
It Happened One Night(Capra), 109
Ito, Kisaku, 201
Ivan the Terrible, Parts I and II
(Eisenstein), 195, 449
I Vitelloni(Fellini), 200

Jackson, Gemma, 200
Jackson, Peter, 145, 282, 309, 326,
402, 404
Braindead, 102
King Kong, 403
Lord of the Ringsmovies, 115, 199,
283, 291
Jackson, Samuel L., 305, 313
Jacobs, Ken, 476
Jacquet, Luc, March of the Penguins,
4, 488
Jagger, Mick, 344
Jalsaghar(S. Ray), 471–72
Jane Eyre(Fukunaga), 61
Janney, Allison, 217, 218
Jannings, Emil, 198,297, 446
Jansen, Adolf, 390
Janssen, Pierre-Jules-Césare, 436,
Japanese cinema, 201, 201
Jarecki, Andrew, Capturing the
Friedmans, 75
Jarmusch, Jim, 474
Broken Flowers, 90
Dead Man, 104, 105
Stranger Than Paradise, 473
Jarvie, Ian, 434
Jason and the Argonauts(Chaffey), 112
Jaws(Spielberg), 133, 260, 280, 415,
Jazz Singer, The(Crosland), 106, 451,
Jenkins, George, The Best Years of
Our Lives, 203
Jenkins, Patty, Monster,188, 189
Jenkins, Richard, 422
Jenkins, Tamara, The Savages,311,
Jenson, Vicky, Shrek, 113
Jessup, Harley, 181
Jesus Christ Superstar(Jewison), 108
Jeunet, Jean-Pierre, 418
Jewison, Norman, 375
Jesus Christ Superstar, 108


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