An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Jezebel(Wyler), 302, 306, 306
Jindabyne(Lawrence), 145
Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros,
Joffé, Roland, 405
Johansson, Scarlett, 311, 421, 422
Johnny Guitar(Ray), 105
Johns, Glynis, 193, 193
Johnson, Don, 395
Johnson, Eric, 145
Johnson, Joseph MacMillan, 174
Johnson, Rian, Brick, 95
Jolie, Angelina, 288
Jolson, Al, 451, 451
Jones, Arwel, 183
Jones, Duncan, Moon, 99
Jones, Grover, 399
Jones, James, 156
Jones, James Earl, 313
Jones, Jeffrey, 213
Jones, Leslie, 346
Jonze, Spike, 317, 345
Where the Wild Things Are, 82
Jordan, Dorothy, 359, 362
Jordan, Neil, 263, 405
Joyce, James, 80
Joy Ride(Rengel), 463
Judith of Bethulia(Griffith), 442
Jukti Takko Aar Gappo(Ghatak), 472
Julia, Raul, 313
Julia(Zinnemann), 314
Julien Donkey-Boy(Korine), 463
Juliet of the Spirits(Fellini), 236
July, Miranda, Me and You and
Everyone We Know,419, 421
jump cuts, 368, 450
defined, 29
Junebug(Morrison), 488
Junge, Alfred, 200
Jungle Book, The(Reitherman), 108
Juno(Reitman), 7–22,8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
14, 15, 16–19, 20, 21,36–37, 37
Jurassic Park(Spielberg), 59, 179,
264–65, 264, 281
Just Like Weather(Fong), 469


Kael, Pauline, 186, 288
Kagemusha(Kurosawa), 465
Kaidan(Kobayashi), 101
Kaminski, Janusz, 274
Kammerspielfilm, 197
Kansas City(Altman), 304
Kapur, Shekhar, Elizabeth, 291

Karloff, Boris, 90, 193, 263, 415
Karun, Shaji N., Piravi, 472
Kar Wai Wong, Ashes of Time, 469
Kasdan, Lawrence, Silverado, 105
Kashyap, Anurag, Black Friday, 472
Katta, Deva, Prasthanam, 472
Kauffman, Ross, Born into Brothels, 67
Kaufman, Boris, 275
Kaufman, Charles, 146
Synecdoche, New York, 82
Kawin, Bruce, 280, 445
Kawin, Gerald, 474
Kaye, Danny, 193
Kazan, Elia, 303, 303,304, 327, 502
On the Waterfront,179, 197
Panic in the Streets, 96
Keaton, Buster, 108, 179, 442
The General, 443
The Play House, 375
Keaton, Diane, 53, 210, 239, 474
Keel, Howard, 515
Keitel, Harvey, 303, 304, 317, 395
Kelly, Anthony Paul, 42
Kelly, Gene, 297, 298
On the Town, 108
Singin’ in the Rain,87, 108, 297
Kelly, Grace, 301, 313, 515
Kelly, Richard, 56
Donny Darko, 99
“Ken Burns Effect,” 75
Kennedy, Joseph P., 498
Kershner, Irvin, 281
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes
Back, 405
Kes(Loach), 462
Kevan, Jack, 193
key light, 240
Khandaar(Sen), 472
Kharji(Sen), 472
Kiarostami, Abbas, 4, 461
Kick-Ass(Vaughn), 59, 111
Kidman, Nicole, 243, 243,278–79,
278,305–6, 306,307–8, 322,
326, 372,407, 511
Kid with a Bike, The(Dardenne and
Dardenne), 83
Kieslowski, Krzysztof, 203, 352
Kill Billmovies (Tarantino), 108, 469
Killer, The(Woo), 54–56, 54, 201
Killers, The(Siodmak), 96
Killing, The(Kubrick), 400
Kinemacolor, 234
kinesis, 202, 208–11, 209
Kinetograph, 437, 438
Kinetoscope, 437, 439

King, Henry, 331
The Gunfighter, 105
King, Peter, 193
King, Richard, 388, 406, 410
King, Stephen, 293
King and I, The(Lang), 108
Kingdom, The,(von Trier and
Arnfred), 102
King Kong(Cooper and Schoedsack),
112, 279
King Kong(Jackson), 403
King Lear(Kozintsev), 195
King of Kong, The: A Fistful of
Quarters(Gordon), 74
Kingsley, Ben, 313, 314
King’s Speech, The(Hooper), 66, 156,
251–52, 253,403, 516
kino-pravda, 448, 458
Kinski, Klaus, 418
Kirk, Mark-Lee, 199
Kirsanoff, Dmitri, Ménilmontant,
Kiss Me Deadly(Aldrich), 96
Kiss Me Kate(Sidney), 515
Kitano, Takeshi, Sonatine, 93
Klein, Saar, 346
Kleiser, Jeff, 309
Kleiser, Randal, Grease, 108
Klimek, Johnny, 405
Klimt(Ruiz), 181
Kline, Kevin, 395
Kloves, Steve, 134
Kluge, Alexander, Artists under the
Big Top: Perplexed, 464
Knight, Jack T., 389
Knight, Stephen, 156
Knocked Up(Apatow), 21,22, 109,
Knoll, John, 282
Kobayashi, Masaki, Kaidan, 101
Koch, Howard, 147
Kodachrome film, 235
Konisberg, Ira, 280
Konstantin, Leopoldine, 255
Kopple, Barbara, Harlan County
Korda, Alexander, 200
Korda, Vincent, 182, 199, 200
Korine, Harmony, Julien Donkey-Boy,
Koster, Henry, 193
Kotto, Yaphet, 416
Koyaanisqatsi(Reggio), 277
Kozintsev, Grigori, 195
Kramer, Stanley, On the Beach, 98

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