An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Scott, Stephen, 182, 182
Scott, Tony:
Days of Thunder, 307
Domino, 82
Man on Fire, 82
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World(Wright),
13, 111
Scream(Craven), 102
screen acting, evolution of, 294–310,
Screen Actors Guild (SAG), 311, 503
screen direction, 359–64
screen duration, 149, 150, 151
screenplay, format, 136–37, 138
screen tests, 311
screenwriter, 136–37
auteur director and, 137
and screenplay, 136–37
as script doctor, 137
screwball comedy, 452, 452
script doctors, 137
script supervisor, 194, 485
Scrubs, 107
Seabiscuit(Ross), 404
Seagal, Steven, 90
Searchers, The(Ford), 40,87, 103, 231,
232,314, 327, 359, 362
Seashell and the Clergyman, The
(Dulac), 447
Seaton, George, 313
Seddon, Jack, 156
Seidler, David, 156
Seitz, John F., 245
Sekula, Andrzej, 231
Self Portrait(Haring), 37–38, 38
Sellers, Peter, 245,322, 329
Selznick, David O., 180n, 453, 496 n,
498–99, 500, 502, 505
Selznick International Pictures,
496 n,499, 500–501
Sembene, Ousmane, 461
Seminary Girls(Edison), 438, 439
Sen, Mrinal:
Antareen, 472
Bhuvan Shome, 473
Khandaar, 472
Kharji, 472
Parasuram, 472
Sennett, Mack, 108, 443
Sense and Sensibility(A. Lee), 201,
Sensurround, 309
sequence, 36, 53, 277, 278
Serenity(Whedon), 110
series photography, 436–37, 437

Serkis, Andy, 309
Serrone, Christopher, 374, 374
Servant, The(Losey), 462
sets, 183, 184
theme park preservation of, 184
Setsuko Hara, 468
setting, 88,164–66, 183–87,217, 440
narrative and, 155, 156,164–66
in Stagecoach(Ford), 164–66,
setup, 228
Se7en(Fincher), 182
Seven Samurai(Kurosawa), 465
Seventh Seal, The(Bergman), 231–32,
Shadows and Fog(Allen), 197
Shah, Naseeruddin, 5
Shainberg, Steven, Fur: An
Imaginary Portrait of Diane
Arbus, 305, 306, 307
Shakespeare, William, 145, 209,
Shane,(Stevens), 103
Shanley, John Patrick, 133
Shannon, Harry, 323
Shapiro, Dana Adam, 67
Sharaff, Irene, 191
Sharman, Jim, The Rocky Horror
Picture Show, 108
Sharp, Henry, 234
Sharpsteen, Ben, Dumbo, 85
Shatranj-ke-Khilari(S. Ray), 472
Shaw, Robert, 419
Shawn of the Dead,(Wright), 102
Shearer, Douglas, 390, 394
Shearer, Norma, 192,194, 499
Sheen, Martin, 258,293, 394,395,
Sheen, Michael, 190
Shelley, Mary, 96
Shelly, Adrienne, Waitress, 21, 22
Sheridan, Jim, 293
Sherlock Holmes(Ritchie), 305
Sherlock Holmes stories, 183
Sherrill, Billy, 405
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon(Ford),
105, 231, 314
Shields, Jim, 416
Shine a Light(Scorsese), 343–44,
Shining, The(Kubrick), 100, 185,
261, 261,273, 297, 322, 389,
394, 396
Shirley, Anne, 331, 331
Shoeshine(De Sica), 200, 456

Shohan, Naomi, 215
shooting, 486
shooting angle, 259
Shootist, The(Siegel), 308, 309
Shore, Howard, 404
Short Cuts(Altman), 305, 321
short-focal-length lens, 244–45, 245,
shots, 5, 36, 227,228, 259–79, 340
aerial-view, 263–64, 277
bird’s-eye-view, 263–64
close-up, 326,326–27, 327
crane, 269–70, 270
dolly in, 267
downshots and, 260
Dutch-angle, 263, 263
eye-level, 259–60
freeze-frame, 373–74, 374
ground-level, 382
group, 252
high-angle, 260
highshots and, 260
iris, 372
low-angle, 260–63, 262
master, 359, 362
moving, 382
oblique-angle, 263
overhead, 382
pan, 266–67
point-of-view, 274–75, 277
reverse-angle, 364
and reverse shots, 364
speed/length of, 275–79
split-screen, 374–75, 375
three-, 252
tilt, 267, 267
tracking, 267, 268
transitions between, 368–75
two-, 252
types of, 250–52, 252, 442
zoom, 268–69, 271
shots/reverse shots, 364
Show Boat(Whale), 313
Showtime, 505
Shpinel, Isaac, 195
Shrek(Adamson and Jenson), 113
shutter, 487
Shyamalan, M. Night, 147
The Sixth Sense, 102
Shyer, Charles, 319
Siberling, Brad, 281, 282
Sicko(Moore), 72
sidekicks, 92
Sidibe, Gabourey, 128
Sidney, George, Kiss Me Kate, 515


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