An Introduction to Film

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
editing software iMovie and openly identified it as
the “Ken Burns Effect.”
Many documentaries investigate events that
happened in the past, but some of these cinematic
investigations are more personal than historical.
The approach of films like Andrew Jarecki’s Cap-
turing the Friedmans(2003) rejects presenting a
single “factual” interpretative stance in favor of
offering a more ambiguous range of often-conflicting
accounts. Capturing the Friedmansexplores accusa-
tions of child molestation leveled at Arnold Friedman
and his teenage son, Jesse, from multiple perspec-



Direct cinemaDocumentaries made in the style known as
direct cinema attempt to immerse the viewer in an
experience as close as is cinematically possible to
witnessing events as an invisible observer. Direct-cinema
films like Albert and David Maysles’s Grey Gardens(1975;
with codirectors Ellen Hovde and Muffie Meyer) seek to
avoid conventional documentary techniques such as
interviews and voice-over narration, and instead rely on very
small crews and lightweight, handheld camera and sound
equipment to capture the action as unobtrusively as
possible. As they filmed Grey Gardens, the Maysleses
observed that their extroverted subject “Little Edie” Beale
was becoming increasingly more interested in performing
for the filmmakers than in ignoring their presence. Some
direct-cinema purists may have discouraged or deleted her
behavior, but the Maysleses recognized Edie’s need for
recognition, and the delusions that fueled it, as a crucial
part of her reality. The filmmakers acknowledged their own
role in the situation by incorporating their own image (as
captured in a mirror) into the movie.

tives through a collage of home movies, archival
media coverage, and interviews with both family
members and alleged victims.
Director Errol Morris incorporates cinematic
techniques normally associated with highly stylized
narrative and experimental films into the typically
spartan documentary form. Fast, Cheap & Out of Con-
trol(1997) implies profound associations between
his seemingly diverse subjects—a topiary gardener,
a lion tamer, a robotics researcher, and a scientist
studying naked mole rats—by intercutting interviews
of all four men and lacing the movie with artfully
crafted extreme close-ups, beautiful slow-motion
effects, footage from old adventure films, abstracted
reenactments, and original music by Caleb Samp-
son. Morris is famous for conducting his interviews
using an Interrotron, a device of his own invention
that projects the director’s face onto a glass plate
placed over the camera lens. The apparatus allows
the subject to address responses directly into the
lens, which establishes direct eye contact with the

Experimental Movies

Experimental is the most difficult of all types of
movies to define with any precision, in part
because experimental filmmakers actively seek to

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