
(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Robinson, Michael. “The 1774 S. Carlo Version of Orfeo.” In Gluck e la cul-
    tura(#885), 395–413.
    A good account of the production and of several others: Vienna, 1762; Lon-
    don, 1770 and 1771; Florence, 1771; and Naples, 1774. A table compares
    these productions bit by bit.

  2. Brück, Paul. “Glucks Orpheus.” AfM 7 (1925): 436–476.
    Compares the two versions, bringing about differences in declamation
    required by the change from Italian to French word-setting.

  3. Gallarati, Paolo. “L’Orfeo ed Euridice” di Gluck: Versione Viennese del 1762.
    Turin: Giappichelli, 1979. 201p. ML410 .G5 G33.
    Depth analysis of the opera, placed in the context of contemporary works.

  4. Loewenberg, Alfred. “Gluck’s Orfeoon the Stage with Some Notes on Other
    Orpheus Operas.” MQ26 (1940): 311–339.
    Orpheus settings before Gluck; then reception and stage history of both Gluck
    versions up to 1939. Also a list of parodies of Orfeo.

  5. Dalmonte, Rossana. “Ripensando a ‘Che farò senza Euridice.’” In Quaderni
    della Rivista italiana di musicologia32 (1994): 49–64.
    Eduard Hanslick (see #426) did serious damage to the idea of word supremacy
    in opera by writing a happy text to the music of Orfeo’s tragic aria. Dalmonte
    makes a valiant effort to counter Hanslick, finding his parody does not fit
    Gluck’s sorrow aspects, such as the descending tetrachord. A happy text
    would have had a different melody.

See also #899.

La recontre imprévue

  1. Brown, Bruce Alan. “Gluck’s Recontre imprévueand Its Revisions.” JAMS 36
    (1983): 498–518.
    Genesis, emphasizing changes made during rehearsals as revealed by manu-
    script sources.

Antonio Carlos Gomes (1836–1896)

  1. Gomes Vaz de Carvalho, Itala. Vida de Carlos Gomes. 3rd ed. Rio de Janeiro:
    Noite, 1946. 247p. ML410 .G63 G63.
    First edition, 1935; an Italian translation appeared in the same year. The stan-
    dard older biography, presenting a popular life story, some letters, and pro-
    gram notes on the operas. No footnotes, bibliography, or index.

  2. Vetro, Gaspare Nello. António Carlos Gomes: Correspondências italianas.
    Rio de Janeiro: Cátedra, 1982. 339p. ML410 .G63 A337.
    A translation from the original Italian, Antonio Carlos Gomez: Carteggi ital-
    iani(Milan: Nuove Edizioni, 1976). Essays by various writers, dealing with
    the composer’s correspondence.

180 Opera


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