- Robinson, Michael. “The 1774 S. Carlo Version of Orfeo.” In Gluck e la cul-
tura(#885), 395–413.
A good account of the production and of several others: Vienna, 1762; Lon-
don, 1770 and 1771; Florence, 1771; and Naples, 1774. A table compares
these productions bit by bit. - Brück, Paul. “Glucks Orpheus.” AfM 7 (1925): 436–476.
Compares the two versions, bringing about differences in declamation
required by the change from Italian to French word-setting. - Gallarati, Paolo. “L’Orfeo ed Euridice” di Gluck: Versione Viennese del 1762.
Turin: Giappichelli, 1979. 201p. ML410 .G5 G33.
Depth analysis of the opera, placed in the context of contemporary works. - Loewenberg, Alfred. “Gluck’s Orfeoon the Stage with Some Notes on Other
Orpheus Operas.” MQ26 (1940): 311–339.
Orpheus settings before Gluck; then reception and stage history of both Gluck
versions up to 1939. Also a list of parodies of Orfeo. - Dalmonte, Rossana. “Ripensando a ‘Che farò senza Euridice.’” In Quaderni
della Rivista italiana di musicologia32 (1994): 49–64.
Eduard Hanslick (see #426) did serious damage to the idea of word supremacy
in opera by writing a happy text to the music of Orfeo’s tragic aria. Dalmonte
makes a valiant effort to counter Hanslick, finding his parody does not fit
Gluck’s sorrow aspects, such as the descending tetrachord. A happy text
would have had a different melody.
See also #899.
La recontre imprévue
- Brown, Bruce Alan. “Gluck’s Recontre imprévueand Its Revisions.” JAMS 36
(1983): 498–518.
Genesis, emphasizing changes made during rehearsals as revealed by manu-
script sources.
Antonio Carlos Gomes (1836–1896)
- Gomes Vaz de Carvalho, Itala. Vida de Carlos Gomes. 3rd ed. Rio de Janeiro:
Noite, 1946. 247p. ML410 .G63 G63.
First edition, 1935; an Italian translation appeared in the same year. The stan-
dard older biography, presenting a popular life story, some letters, and pro-
gram notes on the operas. No footnotes, bibliography, or index. - Vetro, Gaspare Nello. António Carlos Gomes: Correspondências italianas.
Rio de Janeiro: Cátedra, 1982. 339p. ML410 .G63 A337.
A translation from the original Italian, Antonio Carlos Gomez: Carteggi ital-
iani(Milan: Nuove Edizioni, 1976). Essays by various writers, dealing with
the composer’s correspondence.
180 Opera