
(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Hardie, Graham Hood. “Leonardo Leo (1694–1744) and His Comic Operas
    Amor vuol sofferanzaand Alidoro.” Ph.D. diss., Cornell U., 1973. vii, 289p.

Ruggero Leoncavallo (1857–1919)

Pagliacciis in ASO50 (1983) and Rororo (1987).

  1. Sansone, Matteo. “The verismoof Ruggero Leoncavallo: A Source Study of
    Paglicacci.” M&L70–3 (August 1989): 342–362.
    Leoncavallo wrote his own libretti. “If we analyze the composer’s criteria for
    selecting and arranging his material, we gain an insight into the evolution (or
    rather, dissolution) of operatic verismoin the ten years between Cavalleria rus-
    ticanaand Tosca.” There is an interesting comparison of Pagliaccito an opera
    by Émile Pessard, Tabarin(1885).

Jean-François Lesueur (Le Sueur) (1760–1837)

La caverneis in FO,v.74; Ossian ou les bardesis in ERO,v.37.

  1. Mongrédien, Jean. Jean-François Le Sueur: Contribution à l’étude d’un demi-
    siècle de musique française, 1780–1830. Berne: P. Lang, 1980. 2v. ISBN
    3-261046-945. ML410 .L59 M74.
    A general biography with passing mention of the operas. Chapter endnotes,
    bibliography, name index.

  2. Mongrédien, Jean. Catalogue thématique de l’oeuvre complète du composi-
    teur Jean-François Le Sueur (1760–1837). Thematic Catalogues, 7. New York:
    Pendragon, 1980. xxviii, 434p. ISBN 0-9187-2812-6. ML134 .L46 M74.
    Operas are well covered (p.45–219), with incipits for all arias and numbers in
    each. No bibliography or index.

György Ligeti (1923–)

  1. Richart, Robert W. György Ligeti: A Bio-Bibliography.Bio-Bibliographies in
    Music, 30. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1991. xii, 188p.
    Among the 729 entries (in author order) are many reviews and brief discus-
    sions ofLe grand macabre.
    1113.Ligeti. Ed. Enzo Restagno. Turin: ECT, 1985. xi, 265p. ISBN 88-7063-036-6.
    ML410 .L69 L72.
    Essays by various authors; one is “Intorno al Grand macabre,” by Piero Santi
    et al; it gives genesis and program notes.

  2. Burde, Wolfgang. György Ligeti: Eine Monographie.Zurich: Atlantis, 1993.
    280p. ISBN 3-254-00184-2. ML410 .L64 B95.
    A general life and works, with good coverage (p.217–244) of Le grand
    macabre: genesis, program notes, some technical observations. Remarkably
    small musical examples, backnotes, index, no bibliography.

214 Opera


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