
(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Sadie, Stanley. The New Grove Book of Operas. London: Macmillan, 1996.
    ix, 758p. ISBN 0-312-15443-7. ML102 .O6 N4.
    Material, drawn from NGDO,on 264 operas: plot, with premiere data, com-
    mentary, and illustrations. Index of aria and ensemble first lines, index of role
    names, glossary, composer index.

  2. Schumann. Otto. Der grosse Opern- und Operettenführer. 11th ed. Wil-
    helmshaven: Heinrichshofen’s Verlag, 1983. 748p. ISBN 3-88-1991-085.
    MT95 .S393.
    In addition to standard repertoire, presents a fine cross section of less familiar
    material by Germans like Weismann, Braunfels, Gerster, Sehlbach, and Lothar.
    Composer biographies, illustrations, index of titles and of characters (with
    their German names only: who remembers Mackie Messer?).

  3. Sénéchaud, Marcel. Le répertoire lyrique d’hier et d’aujourd’hui.Paris: Billau-
    dot, 1971. 301p. MT95 .S48.
    Plots to 343 works, with special concern for operas popular in Paris or by
    French composers.

  4. Wagner, Heinz. Das grosse Operettenbuch: 120 Komponisten und 430 Werke.
    Berlin: Parthas, 1997. 376p. ISBN 3-932529-0202. ML102 .O6 W3.
    Plots and premiere data, with cast roles (not the performers); titles in German
    and original languages. By composer, with title index.
    211.The Victor Book of the Opera.13th ed. Ed. Henry W. Simon. New York:
    Simon & Schuster, 1968. 475p. MT150 .V4.
    Title varies. First published in 1912, this familiar work has been frequently
    revised. It covers 120 operas with leisurely synopses, photos of famous singers
    in the various roles, and discographies of Victor recordings.

50 Opera


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