A Guide to Eighteenth Century Art

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Swedenborg, Emanuel

Sweerts, Michael

sympathy, in viewer of art

tableaux de mode


Tassaert, JeanPierreAntoine

Tassi, Agostino


and antiquity
and emotion
and empiricism
and morality
and objectivity
and reason
and subjectivity

Testelin, Henri

theory (in academies)

Thornhill, James

Thorvaldsen, Bertel

Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista

Tiepolo, Giovanni Domenico

Tiepolo, Lorenzo Baldissera

Tintoretto, Jacopo

Tischbein the elder, Johann Heinrich


Tomlinson, Kellom

tonal values

topographical landscapes

Townley, Charles

Townshend, George

tradition in art

and genre
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