European University Sports Association: 1999-2019 - Inspiring new generations of champions for two decades

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The International Students’ Day is celebrated around the world on November 17.

With a special focus on ensuring education is available for all students, European

University Sports Association (EUSA) joins the call for more financial support for

students in order to fund their education, and better their career prospects.

The date of November 17 was chosen
due to the events that unfolded in Prague
during World War II. Nine students were
executed without trial in concentration
camps on November 17, 1939. Nowadays,
November 17 marks a celebration of the
multiculturalism of international students.

On November 12, 2016, the European
Students’ Union (ESU) and EUSA signed a

Memorandum of Understanding to enforce
the common line of actions binding the
two organisations.

Both ESU and EUSA support and encour-
age the call for secure and adequate
economic, social and health welfare and
for the well-being of all students. As
education is a human right, we should
provide and secure the access for all, not

just those whose families can afford it.
Sport is an integral part of university life,
and we encourage each and every student
to engage in physical activity, take part in
sport events and #beactive.

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