European University Sports Association: 1999-2019 - Inspiring new generations of champions for two decades

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Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, Athletes Friendly

Education (AFE) is a transnational project focused on the promotion of dual careers of

athletes and the support of innovative educational approaches and good governance in

sport, in relation to the objectives of the EU policies in the field of sport and in pursuit

of the objectives from the EU Commission Guidelines on Dual Career of Athletes.

The aim of the project is to spread aware-
ness and good practices among educa-
tional institutions that support athletes in
their dual careers by determining the mini-
mum quality standards of educational and
training institutions at the EU level, and
then establishing a certification system to
recognise the efforts made by dual career-
friendly institutions.

The greater goal is to then raise aware-
ness on the importance of education of
athletes at national levels and offer tools
for athletes, managers, coaches and par-
ents to take responsible decisions about

education, with the project’s certified list
of educational programmes able to guide
them in their dual career path.

Through the partners’ efforts, AFE will
look to create new instruments of cooper-
ation and secure sustainable partnerships
between higher education institutions
and businesses while establishing a list of
educational programmes, at the EU level,
with already developed mechanisms.

Along with project coordinators Olympic
Committee of Slovenia (SLO), partners in
the project include the National Olympic

Committee of Portugal (POR), the Belgian
Olympic and Interfederal Committee
(BEL), the German Olympic Academy
(GER), the Croatian Olympic Academy
(CRO), the University of Maribor’s Faculty
of Organisational Sciences (SLO), the
University of Rijeka’s Faculty of Maritime
Studies (CRO), the Volleyball Federation
of Macedonia (MKD) and the European
University Sports Association (SLO).

The two-year project began in January
2019 and will run until December 2020.

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