European University Sports Association: 1999-2019 - Inspiring new generations of champions for two decades

(eusaunisport) #1


The Sport Employs YOUrope project officially concluded in 2015, but the project idea

and outcomes have continued thereafter. Together with the project partners, it is

empowering young people and encouraging employability related to the sport sector.

The project brought together a pool of
stakeholders, including sport and socio-
cultural organisations in order to tackle
the issue of unemployment of young
people in Europe. Through European
cooperation in youth and sport, the project
is aimed to stimulate capacity building,
entrepreneurial thinking and employability
for young people through the sport sector
and highlights the transferable skills that
sport can develop. The overall project in-
corporated several actions to raise aware-
ness over opportunities of employment

for young people across Europe including
a research and questionnaire campaign; a
Sport Employs YOUrope seminar; national
youth-led campaigns and a tool kit to sup-
port national project actions which can be
also used as a self-help guide.

The project was funded by the Euro-
pean Union through the Youth in Action
programme and was implemented by
Youth of European Non-Governmental
Sport Organisation (HUN), International
Sport and Culture Association (DEN),

National Olympic Committee of Serbia
(SRB), Career Center Inventive, Associazi-
one Italiana Cooperazione Europa Mondo
(ITA) and the European University Sport
Association (SLO).

Associated partners included the Europe-
an Observatoire of Sport and Employment
(FRA), Association Nationale des Etudiants
en STAPS (FRA) and the Spanish Youth
Council (ESP), while EUSA’s participation
was also supported by the International
University Sports Federation.


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