5 Steps to a 5 AP Biology, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
❮ xv


This project would not have been completed without the assistance of many dear friends
and relatives. To my wife, Stephanie, your countless hours of reading, rereading, and read-
ing once again were of amazing value. Thank you so much for putting in so much time and
energy to my cause. You have helped make this book what it is. To my parents and broth-
ers who likewise contributed by reading a few chapters when I needed a second opinion,
I thank you. I would like to thank Chris Black for helping me edit and clarify a few of the
chapters. I would like to thank Don Reis, whose editing comments have strengthened both
the content and the flow of this work. Finally, a big thank-you to all the students and teach-
ers who gave me their input and thoughts on what they believed to be important for this
exam. They have made this book that much stronger. Thank you all.

—Mark Anestis

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