5 Steps to a 5 AP Microeconomics, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
In this most recent edition of the book, I have included detailed coverage of the impact
that trade barriers, like tariffs and quotas, have on competitive markets. While the topic
of trade barriers has been present in the AP Microeconomics course outline for several
years, it had not been extensively tested in the free-response section until 2012. This edi-
tion also adds coverage of the market for capital in the factor markets chapter to reflect a
growing emphasis from the test development committee. I have also brought some of the
coverage of externalities more in line with recent AP exams and the rubrics that were used
to grade them.
I do not see any reason to continue talking about the book when we could just dive in.
I hope that you enjoy this book and that you find it a useful resource. Good luck!

x á Preface

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