5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Take a Diagnostic Exam  25

59.The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM-

(A) is meant to be used by psychiatrists, but not
(B) describes the causes of a variety of mental
(C) explains why homosexuality should be con-
sidered a mental disorder
(D) contains case illustrations to help diagnosti-
cians identify a client’s disorder
(E) defines categories of mental disorders in
terms of symptoms

60.Which is a behavioral therapy that has proven
successful in treating phobias?

(A) electroconvulsive shock treatment
(B) group therapy
(C) psychosurgery
(D) systematic desensitization
(E) rational emotive therapy

61.Psychoanalytic therapy and humanistic therapy
differ in that psychoanalytic therapy focuses on

(A) the present, and humanistic therapy focuses
on the future
(B) subconscious and preconscious thoughts,
and humanistic therapy focuses on conscious
(C) curing illness, and humanistic therapy focuses
on preventing illness
(D) fixations, and humanistic therapy focuses on
(E) probing past feelings, and humanistic therapy
focuses on exploring feelings as they occur

62.Clients who drink too much alcohol are some-
times treated with a drug that causes nausea if the
client consumes alcohol. This type of therapy is
known as

(A) systematic desensitization
(B) progressive relaxation
(C) client centered therapy
(D) aversive conditioning
(E) psychodynamic therapy

63.Light therapy, consisting of exposure to bright
light in the morning, has been successful in
relieving symptoms of

(A) dissociative amnesia
(B) seasonal affective disorder
(C) disorganized schizophrenia
(D) obsessive-compulsive disorder
(E) Alzheimer’s disease

64.Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil help elevate mood by

(A) increasing the availability of serotonin to post
synaptic neurons
(B) decreasing the availability of norepinephrine
to post synaptic neurons
(C) facilitating reuptake of serotonin
(D) acting as agonists of dopamine
(E) preventing reuptake of dopamine

65.A college professor asked a biology teacher to let
a college student observe her teaching for one
period. After the student observed the teacher,
the professor asked the teacher to accept the stu-
dent as a student teacher for 10 weeks. She
agreed. The strategy the professor used to get the
teacher to agree is called

(A) cognitive dissonance
(B) foot-in-the-door phenomenon
(C) obedience to authority
(D) normative social influence
(E) conformity

66.As part of each lab, Ms. Geraci requires her stu-
dents to wash their glassware so it is clean for the
next class. She has found that the glassware is
cleaner when students wash it in full view of their
classmates. This is best explained by

(A) deindividuation
(B) the mere exposure effect
(C) social facilitation
(D) social loafing
(E) superordinate goals

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